'I promise'

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Wilbur's POV:

* At a park *

Wilbur watched as the small boy walked past and sat down on the bench next to him, all smiles. Oh how beautiful he was. His bright, glossy eyes and his pearly white teeth that showed whenever he smiled or grinned. Oh how Wilbur fantasized about him, and dreamed of that beautiful man being his.

"Wilbur... Wilbur? Wil?", George said.

Wilbur zoned back into reality. "Oh yeah, sorry about that I just zoned out".

"Hmmm, you must be simping for that one girl again. What was her name? Kiara?", George teased. No actually, not at all, he thought, ironic, isn't it? It's not her i'm simping for. It's you gog. Oh how he wished he could just say those words straight to his face. If only he could get the gut to confess how he feels because then, maybe there is a slight possibility that he could like feel like that too. That the small brunette boy with the clout goggles on, could be his.

"Am not! How dare you accuse me of such!" Wilbur said, acting offended and hurt. A grin that slid across Wilbur's face reflected onto George's, both laughing.

"Oh c'mon now, it's not anything new. I saw the way you were staring at her. I was talking to you and you weren't even listening, you were staring off into the distance. At her. Come on Wil, I know you like her", George pleaded. Obviously trying to convince Wilbur himself, that Wil had a crush on this girl.

Since George seemed to be prying on the subject so much, Wilbur decided to mess with him. I'm gonna screw with his mind. Maybe drop some hints. Wilbur chuckled, and George looked up into Wilbur's eyes, trying to make out what was so funny.

"No, no. You've got it all wrong. It is definitely not her I have a crush on." Wilbur explained, emphasizing the word 'definitely' just the right amount to get George's brain to work.

George's face filled with confusion and curiosity. Wilbur just shook his head and chuckled lightly in response to the boy, who's beady eyes were practically begging for more of an explanation.

Wilbur stood up and walked away, waving slightly at George. Quiet, but loud enough for George to hear he called, "Talk to you later Gog!", in an amused tone, there was no hiding how hilarious he found this. But aside from the amusement, he indeed, would talk to George later.

* at home *

Wilbur was lying down on the bed listening to his Spotify, when he heard a low vibration come from beside him. A text, from George. He opened his phone and went straight to messages.

Gogy <3

I can't stop thinking about today.
What do you mean it's definitely
not her, I could have sworn you
were a total simp for her.

Gogy, think about it. Who else has
thought that I liked her? Nobody
else, see it's only you.

Okay but you technically didn't
say you had no crush. You just
said it isn't her. So maybe it is
someone close to her?

Not even close.

Good luck with this one :]

Ugh, you are wrong for this
Wilbur, come on can't you just
tell me who it is?

No, George, I wish it was
that easy otherwise you
would know by now.

Just tell me.

I promise I won't judge.

I highly doubt that. Just  let
me think about it, okay?

Okay Wil.

He set his phone down. He needed to rest. This was too much all at once. He would tell him but maybe now wasn't the time.

He later down letting the loud music from his earbuds cancel out the world until his mind was clear again. Then he could decide. For now, he would just take in every word the song said.

He sat there, the melodies consuming his mind. It felt like the world was spinning in circles, like his room was spinning. He was scared. Scared of what choice he might make.

Come on Wil. You can do this. You know what you want. You want him. And if you're smart enough, you will go after what you love. Heck yeah. He will.

His decision was made. After this there would be no going back. He hesitated, but then opened messages and clicked on the contact, "Gogy <3".

Gogy <3

George. I think I am ready to
tell you who it is.

Thank you.

Now what are you waiting
for!? :]

Wilbur took a moment to breathe. To figure out how to say this. This really is hard, he thought. It was nerve racking. Scary. Terrifying. But he is doing this for what he loves, and what he loves is George.

It's you. It's always been you,
always will be you. I love you

So will you really keep your
promise and 'not judge'?

read 1:52 A.M.

Word Count: 818

I am very proud of this and decided to leave it at a kind of cliffhanger. I'm feeling pretty good about this writing and i really like it!!

PS: It IS very late at night though so if there are some typos or some sentences that don't make sense, I am very very sorry, I just tend to be more creative at night :]

I hope you liked this story!! I will definitely be making more short-stories soon!! <3

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