Chapter 12

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Kaminari's POV

I wait 7 minutes when I hear Izuku crying in the bathroom I quickly get up and rush to the bathroom door noticing he unlocked the door. I rush in seeing him on the floor crying holding something in his hand. "Babe are you okay why are you crying?" I ask clearly concerned, He hands me 3 pregnancy tests that all say positive. "Izuku look at me please..." I say in a calm voice, he looks up at me shaking.

I move towards him and hug him tightly, "D-do y-you h-hate m-m-me?" Izuku asks me I look at him and hug him even more tightly. "Izuku Midoryia I would never hate you or our child and if your parents don't like the fact your pregnant then we can go to my house my parents are always supportive and would do anything to help okay," I say as I pick him up, setting him in my lap. He nods and smiles, "Uh we should probably tell them now before they notice and get mad for us not telling them." Izuku says, I nod and help him up.

We walk out of our bedroom and get everyone to the bar, I hold Izuku's hand since he's shaking like a leaf in the wind. "What do you need to tell us and why is Izu so scared?" Izuku's mom asks looking at us concerned. "Do you want to say the news or me, babe," I ask Izuku he points at me, I nod and take a deep breath. "Don't get mad even though you probably will, but Izuku is pregnant." I say in a calm voice, "WHAT, IZUKU YOUR FUCKING 16 YOU ARE NOT OLD ENOUGH TO TAKE CARE OF A CHILD!" Izuku's mom yells which causes Izuku to shake even more. "Inko calm down, Izuku and Kaminari you're both old enough to take care of a child but I will not allow you guys to live here anymore." Izuku's Dad says before I know it Izuku and I are packing and going to my parent's house since I already called my parents in the bathroom at 4 am explaining to my parents the situation.

I turn to Izuku and he begins crying again, I walk over to him and hug him from behind. "It'll be okay though wanna be villains just us and not with the league I'll still go to U.A and you can drop out or go to a different school we can still raise the baby," I say calmly, Izuku smiles and leans against me. I hear a knock on the door and open the door I see Bakugou, Kirishima, Mina, and Sero I let them in. "What are you guys planning because we are being kicked out of the league and so are you 2," Bakugou says as he walks to Izuku. "I figured that," I say glancing over at Izuku. "I figured you and Izuku are going to your parent's house and Bakugou is coming with me to mine since he isn't going to stay here," Kirishima says, I nod and quickly finish packing the rest of Izuku and I's things.

Izuku and I leave the LOV base and begin to walk to my house which is a 10-minute walk. Once Izuku and I arrive at my house which is a 3 story house with a 2 car garage benefits of having parents that are villains and get a ton of money with drug deals and other things and it's secluded. I unlock the door and walk in, seeing my parents sitting in the living room watching the news. "There is news that the villain group League Of Villians has been arrested." I look at the images and sigh in relief seeing that Katsuki, Kiri, Mina, and Sero got out before the police arrived. Within minutes my phone rings and it's Mina. "Hey, Mina what's up," I say still looking at the news, " I may have called the police and got the League arrested but Toga, Dabi, and Twice," Mina says confidently, "Oh okay well I got to go I'll see you at school Monday bye Mina," I say as I hang up on her.

I walk over to the couch and sit down next to Izuku, "Your room is Denki's all your stuff is in it and there is an empty room across from there where you can set up the baby's or babies room." My mom says, I thank her and bring Izuku up to our room. Izuku sits on the couch that's in our room. I begin to organize everything that was in boxes it took me about 20 minutes to fully unpack and put everything away by the time I finished Izuku was sound asleep on the couch. I pick Izuku up and lay him down in the bed carefully. I get into bed next to Izu he immediately snuggles up to me.

-In the morning-

Izuku's POV

I wake up early in the morning and rush to the bathroom that's connected to Denki and I's bedroom I begin to throw up for 10 minutes. Once I finish throwing up I brush my teeth and crawl back into bed and snuggle back up to Denki. "Throw up again?" Denki asks me, I nod and move closer to him. I end up falling asleep for an hour before Denki wakes me up. "Babe you got to wake up my mom is cooking breakfast," Denki says, I get up and walk to the closet and grab one of Kami's hoodies. "Isn't that one of my hoodies?" Denki asks from behind me, "Yeah it is." I say as I turn around to face him. "Looks cute on you now let's go eat I'm hungry and you probably are too," Kami says as he kisses me and grabs my hand. We head downstairs and walk to the kitchen which is a lot bigger than I expected.

I walk to the table and sit down, Denki sits down next to me. "Morning boys." Denki's mom says to us, "Morning Mrs.Kaminari." I say smiling, she turns to me and smiles, "Izuku you can call us Mom and Dad we see you like family." She says happily, I smile and nod. "What's for breakfast I'm hungry," Kami says whining in a way. "Pancakes and Bacon Denki now stop whining and maybe talk to your boyfriend," Mom says, I laugh a little while Denki turns bright red. "Hey mom would it be possible to change schools it wouldn't be safe for me to go there since I'm pregnant," I say looking down slightly. "Actually I called your school yesterday and they are setting up a system where you can learn through a video call so you can still go to school safely," Mom says, I nod and smile, "Thank you," I say and begin to eat once Denki sets a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of me.

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