"You told me he's a bad man," I tell him casually, shrugging my shoulders, even though Cian is very aware I don't take his advice on anything, including people's characters. "He's my boss."

"He isn't actually your boss. He goes wherever he pleases, and since I'm here, he makes himself known quite often," Cian explains, wandering over to my desk, where he brazenly looks over the contents, as if he owns them.

"Why does he care about you?" I question, brushing off what he said about Stace not actually being my boss.

"I'm an immortal who handed themselves in. I suppose I interested him," he says with a shrug.

I frown. I have a million questions about that already, but I'm not ready to get into that. Right now, I'm angry knowing what he has done to Noah's mate, and although I don't want the jeopardize this mission, I'm so irritated, and I want to lying on his behalf to stop.

"Why did you kill her?" I whisper.

Cian pauses, looking up at me with narrowed eyes from where he was looking at pictures of me and Lev on the wall. "You're going to have to be more specific."

"Why did you kill Alpha Noah's mate?" I blurt out.

He doesn't respond for a long moment. He simply freezes in his spot, eyes glazing over. I watch a myriad of emotions cross his face, although some are so overwhelming they are hard to decipher. Surprise, confusion and then anger. His gaze settles on the latter emotion, a sharp coolness overtaking him.

"Alpha's Noah's mate isn't dead," he breathes. It almost sounds like a threat, that if she is in fact dead, then we all have a lot to be concerned about.

"He told me she is..."

How does Cian not know? Lev seemed to know, although he is aware of plenty of people with all the right kinds of gossip. Cian must have not heard, having been locked up in his cell for so many years...But if that were the case, then he can't have killed Noah's mate. This is all too much to deal with, making my head spin.

"I don't understand what kind of sick joke you're trying to make," he mutters darkly.

I'm unsure if he is telling the truth or not, as his reaction is not what I expected. I thought he would lie, maybe stumble over his words or try to justify his position to me. Instead he's acting as though I'm insane for saying that to him, for even assuming he would have anything to do with this.

"He told me you killed her," I explain, wondering if I shouldn't have gotten emotional and told him this. "That you drowned her."

Cian is leaning against my desk now, almost as if he may collapse if he doesn't. The way he looks at me is haunting, dark eyes hooded, cold.

"And why would I do that?" he asks slowly.

"I don't know, you tell me?" I exasperate, throwing my hands up. I don't exactly have good information on either side. Suddenly I'm wondering whether I should have believed Noah when he told me...I should have asked more questions, should have wondered into how it happened.

Cian runs a hand back through his hair, the golden roots shimmering. "When did you speak to Noah?"

"He sort me out and told me to quit my job because you're dangerous," I explain, not bothering to mention is was when I was outside of his own Pack. Has no one really ever been close enough to Cian for him to use as a weapon? "Stace did too."

"And you didn't?" he asks.

I hesitate. Despite Cian claiming he did nothing to Noah's mate, I can't be sure that I should believe him. Cian also seems on the edge of multiple emotions, so if I tell him I'm working against him, I'm afraid he's going to lash out at me, or maybe take me to the immortal realm again. He doesn't have any reason to keep me alive at this point...

"I can't, I have no money," I remind him. I sense that he expects more than this just being an issue with my job, but he's too distracted by what I'm accusing him of to question me on it.

"Hmm..." he murmurs. "I hope for his sake that you're wrong about her being dead."

"You're the one who killed her," I say flatly, utterly dumbfounded by this conversation.

Cian turns away for a moment, battling his emotions. It's unnerving that I can't read him. "You don't know what you're talking about."

"It makes sense...that's why he wants to kill you, right?" I say, basically trying to convince myself that Cian is just lying, that he is trying to trick me. He's the Sin, he's the one who will do bad things to get what he wants. He is more likely to kill Alpha Noah's mate than for him to be lying about it.

When Cian looks back at me, there us a bombshell of emotion in his eyes. "I didn't kill Abella."

"Who did?" I breathe.

"She's not dead," he decides, pacing back and forth incessantly. "I refuse to believe that. He's got to be hiding her somewhere, to use her against me, right?"

He looks at me as if I may reveal the answers, before he turns away, pacing back toward my window. No, he can't leave now, not when I haven't figured out what's going on. How do I sleep tonight without knowing for certain Cian is the killer, and I'm doing a good thing working against him.

"Where are you going?" I ask him. He pauses, looking over his shoulder. In that moment, I see a broken man, but also, someone who now knows what he has to do.

"To find out what happened," he tells me firmly. "And maybe kill a few people."

And with that, he vanishes.


If you guys are interested in reading more content from HIS SIN, you can find it now on Radish over ten chapters ahead!! (:

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If you guys are interested in reading more content from HIS SIN, you can find it now on Radish over ten chapters ahead!! (:


Stace now has his own story! Right now you can find it on Radish AND on Wattpad

Stace now has his own story! Right now you can find it on Radish AND on Wattpad

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I hope you guys enjoyed!!

Instagram: Sophie_Midika

Snapchat: Midikacrane

~Midika 💜🐼

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