21. My Hero Academia- Oc (Mira Itsuki)

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Name: Mira Itsuki

Quirk: land

She was born blind but with her quirk land, she can trace anything that stands some meters away from her. (If you shoot a bullet, as long as your feet are on the floor.. she can dodge it).

She fights with a special sword that can cut through any metal.

She walks around barefoot so she can easily detect danger through vibrations on the ground. And she hears heartbeats of people and can sense when their feelings change( anger, fear, bloodlust).

She's a trained assassin and wasn't able to participate in the exams due to a job she had.

Weakness: She does not so well again aerial attacks, but her hearing is off the charts so she might dodge it but won't be fast enough to slice through.

Personality: Carefree. She doesn't do assignments but is abnormally fit physically. She always asks about her hair (and expects you to day something nice since she can't see it). She's pretty silent in class so she can concentrate and feel whatever is written on the board.

Her four other senses are off the charts since her vision is useless.

She likes touching peoples hair... And she sleeps a lottttt!

Why does she want to be a hero?:
Mira: Evil people with eyes shouldn't have eyes... I will help pluck them out.

Class: 1B

Age: 16yrs

Parents?: Nobody knows. But everyone assumes she's an orphan.

Crush?: She's never seen anyone but says Midoriya always compliments her hair.

Her past?: There have been stories of a bling girl being found in the forest. No one knows who found her.... Or how she survived before then. Her past is just a mystery.

Mira: Okay... So.... When you're done scrolling, please tell me how my hair looks!

 When you're done scrolling, please tell me how my hair looks!

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Cropping is stressful.. sorry!😊


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