6 | quidditch tryouts

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"Oh, would you relax?" Abigail suggested, "Your aura is distracting."

"Do you ever take anything seriously?" Harry inquired.

"That's a good question," she nodded in faux thought, "No, I don't." She looked over at the boy as more people flooded into the bleachers, "If you don't choose me, there will be hard feelings."

He narrowed his eyes at the girl, "You're not making this any easier for me."

"I know," she smiled before joining Ginny, Ron and Dean on the bleachers. "I think he's ready to resign."

Ron looked around at everyone who had showed up so far, "Wanna bet half of them fall off the brooms from being in awe at being in the same area as Harry Potter?"

"No need to bet," Abigail laughed, pointing at a group of girls, "They're not even in Gryffindor."

"Okay, everybody!" Harry shouted, "Alright, um, now then, remember, just because you made the team last year does not guarantee you a spot this year. Is that clear?" Everyone who was on the team nodded before he continued, "You're going to be flying in groups of ten so I can see your skill and then we will go from there."

"Great," Abigail clapped, "At this rate we'll surely be done before curfew." Harry shot Abigail a look and she merely grinned back.

"Next!" Harry shouted and the next ten stood up, among them Abigail, McLaggen, and Ron.

"You just can't get enough of me, can you?" Cormac asked and Abigail turned around to see that he was indeed talking to her.

"For your sake, you may wanna rethink trying out," Abigail suggested.

He stepped closer to her, "I like to live life on the edge."

"How about being dead and buried six feet under?" she countered.

"Maybe not," Ron spoke up, dragging Abigail away from McLaggen by her arm.

"What are you doing?" Abigail demanded, slapping Ron's hand so that he would let go.

"Preventing you from getting sent to Azkaban."

"I wasn't actually going to kill him."

"I beg to differ."

"Don't you two think you should be up there with everyone else," Harry inquired as he pointed up where the rest of the group was up in the air. "I can't just let you on the team."

"Right," Abigail nodded before she mounted her broom and went up.

Katie, Abigail, and Ginny were the team's Chaser's and Harry was pleased with his choice. Those who tried out were bitter when they were turned down but seemed to return to the field after eating to watch the remainder of tryouts. Harry had hoped that they would stay gone so that certain people trying out for Keeper would feel less...pressure.

"If you let McLaggen get on the team I swear I'll never talk to you again," Abigail informed Ron.

"What - what am I supposed to do?"

"Block all the scores you moron. You're more than capable you just have to get out of your own head."

"I don't think I ca-"

"Yes, you can," she countered, "Now go and beat his four out of five score so I don't have to be miserable all season." He gulped before he walked away, "Good luck!"

"Do you think he can do it?" Harry inquired from behind her.

"I hope so."


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