-'ᶜᵃˡˡⁱⁿᵍ ᵒⁿ ᵐʸ ᵃⁿᵍᵉˡˢ'-

Start from the beginning

But he had to say yes because, yes, he did love Tsukishima, he loved him enough to replace all of his and Bokuto's special moments with pictures of Tsukishima.


Akiteru didn't respond to Kuroo, he left him with a betrayed look as he went to go get something from a vending machine and Kuroo was left with the man that Tsukishima had hated. His father.

Tsukishima never talked about the man, just that one time when he was high and couldn't really control what he was saying. But he knew his dad hadn't been there, he knew from the way Akiteru always only ever talked about his mother.

"Tell Kei I'm sorry." The man started to walk away, and for Tsukishima's sake, Kuroo wouldn't let that happen again.

"You're leaving now? Listen, I don't know anything about you or your relevance in their life But you can't leave your son like this when you don't even know if he's going to live."

Kuroo hated to say it but it was the truth and he wasn't going to let this man walk away.

"Listen Kid, I'm glad Kei has someone special, someone to love him, but me being here won't give him any ease. His and my relationship crashed and burned a long time ago. I'm not wanted here. I just had to know he had people here for him. You're here, that's enough."

The man walked away and Kuroo couldn't stop him. He wanted to but he really didn't know anything and it would be weird if he begged the stranger to stay.

But now he was alone, Akiteru hadn't come back and neither had Tsukishima's mother, So now he was alone with the faint beeping of monitors and the chatter of passing doctors and nurses.

A certain doctor caught his eye.


Iwaizumi halted at the mention of his name, he wasn't really off to anything important, in fact, his lunch break just started.

Iwaizumi turned to face Kuroo, he looked over the man he hadn't seen in atleast two years. His and Oikawa's break up really tore him away from that group.

"Kuroo? How are you?"


Iwaizumi realised a stupid question, they were standing in a hospital, ofcourse something was up.

"Uhm... anything i can help with?" It was awkward, the two didn't really know how to be around eachother without Oikawa there.

"Actually yeah, could you tell me how that patient's doing?" Kuroo pointed to a shut door and Iwaizumi could see doctors surrounding the patient, the air in there seemed tense and stressful.

"Sorry Kuroo... their not my patient and I can't give out information on other patients..."

"Oh... that's okay."

The two stood silently for a little while, they both cursed themselves for how distant they had become. Kuroo needed Iwaizumi when he had no one after Bokuto's death and he wasn't there.

"Listen Kuroo, I'm sorry, yeah?" Iwaizumi's words were soft and sympathetic and Kuroo hated it.

"It's okay Hajime."

"How's uh, how's Tōru?"

Kuroo could tell that Iwaizumi still held mass amounts of love for the man that left him behind. He felt sorry for Iwaizumi, he didn't deserve to be hanging onto someone who doesn't want him. 

He couldn't lie to the man, however.

"He's happy Hajime, he's moved on. You should too." Kuroo placed a hand on Iwaizumi's shoulder, offering the man a soft smile who returned it desperately. 

"Thanks Kuroo, atleast he's happy. That's all i really want."

Kuroo smiled and Iwaizumi sighed.

"So...this patient. Who are they?" 

Kuroo faltered, his face scrunching slightly before he was finally able to compose himself.

"Someone...uh, very special." Kuroo let his hand fall from Iwaizumi's shoulder.

"I just i..."

"I know Kuroo."

"You don't think it's wrong?"

"Why would i?"

"Because...it is isn't it? I promised him Hajime, i promised him I'd never love anyone like i did him. But i do and it's wrong, isn't it?"

"No. Kuroo, it's not. It's perfectly human." Iwaizumi offered Kuroo a kind smile and muttered something about having to get back to work and staying in touch. Kuroo apologized for keeping his time and Iwaizumi assured him it was okay.

It was okay.


Be ready y'all

The next chapter is the last one 👀

Tragic Moon | 𝑲𝒖𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒔𝒖𝒌𝒌𝒊Where stories live. Discover now