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Hopes pov:
Ugh who can this be I turn over and look at the time it's freaking 3 in the morning I'll just ignore it it's probably maid service I turn back over and try to go back to sleep but I guess me not answering the door only made them bang louder I get up and walk over to the door the banging continued "I'm coming this better be good waking me up at 3 in the morning your manager will hear about thi-" I said swinging the door open "oh Lizzie what's wrong it's 3 in the morning almost 4 I have a plane to catch so can you hurry because I do need sleep" she just pushes past me and starts walking towards the bedroom "Josie I have absolutely no idea why your not answering the phone" "Lizzie Josies not here I haven't seen her in about 3 weeks" "while no shit you being Hope ignored her and now I can't find her" "what do you mean you can't find her what happened" "nothing big we just went to dinner and she left the table I told her he was going to ask her to marry him but Josie being Josie said he wouldn't do that now I can't find neither of them" "wait slow down why are you even here she's probably with her boyfriend have you even check there" "no but I've texted both him and her a neither of them answered" "Lizzie they are probably at his hotel having sex or something like that because she said yes but I don't really care what they are doing now please don't come back because I won't be here" I pushing her out the door and closing i then proceed to walk back to the bed and flop down then right as I got comfortable there was soft knocking at the door

"Ughhh" I say getting up and going to the door and opening it not even bothering to look at who it was "look Lizzie I have a plane to catch tomorrow I don't have time for your nonsense now please leave me alone" I go to close the door but something stoped me "you're leaving" I look at who it was and my eyes widened "oh my god Josette what happened to you your soaking and your eye" "can I come in please" "yea come in but jo what happened to you" she started to walk in but nearly fell but I caught her I looked down at her knees they were all scraped up "I fell nothing happened I just hurt myself" "here come on let's get you to the couch and I'll clean you up" I then pick her up bridal style and lay her down on the couch "I'm going to grab the first aid kit don't move I don't want to falling again" I quickly grabbed the first aid and went back to the couch where I left Josie I began to clean her knees "Josie I know that you said you fell and yes that explains your knees but honey not your face what happened and it's for the better if you don't lie to me" she started to break down she put her face in her hands "I had a fight with Landon about everything you the marriage proposal" "so what he did this to you" she stayed quiet and didn't answer me so I took that as a yes "what the hell so he hit you oh hell no I'm going to kill him I swear to god he will pay for this" I went to get up and grab my keys but she grabbed my wrist "please Hope don't just stay with me p-please" I looked straight into her eyes she needed me to stay so I'm going to stay "don't think I won't kill him for this I will but since my love for you is stronger ill stay with you" "thank you hope I'm sorry you have to take care of me" I gently grabbed her face and wiped her tears away "jo don't be sorry I will aways take care of you no matter what now you stay here and I'll get you a change of clothes" I stood up and went to my closet and because I don't have any sweats she'll have to stick to shorts and one of my hoodies I walk back to her and finish wrapping her legs with bandages "here lift your arms up" she did as told and I took off her dress I seen her sides had bruises to "Josie I'm pretty sure this isn't from falling" I go to touch them but she winces "oh jo I'm sorry" "no it's fine and I'm done lying to everyone yea those are from him he got mad that's all" "Josie promise me that you won't go back to him" "hope it's not that simple he got mad that's all I'm pretty sure he'll apologize" I gently grab her face again "jo nothing can apologize for his actions no matter if he's mad or not he shouldn't hit you or hurt you" she didn't say anything "Josie is it okay if I take off you're bra it's soaked and well I don't want you to get even more sick" she just nodded I reached around her and unclipped her bra but making sure she stills is covered while I put the hoodie on the I grabbed her bra from underneath the hoodie and put it a side "can you stand if not just lay down and I'll put the shorts on that way" she shook her head "no it's it okay if I sleep without shorts" "yea jo whatever you want"

Josies pov:
She then picked me up bridal style and walked me over to the bed and laid me down she started to walk away "Hope?" She turned around "yea" "can you stay with me" "yea whatever you'd like" she then climbed in next to me and we were both facing each other looking into each other's eyes my eyes flickered to her lips and hers did that same I don't know exactly why I did it but I did I crashed our lips into each other's she kissed back so I knew that the feelings weren't one sided it was a passionate and long waited kiss I quickly deeped the kiss I went to straddle her she compiled and put her hands on my hips she pulled away "Josie I can't take advantage of you you're not in the right head space and I don't want you to regret anything" "hope I won't regret anything I wanted this for 2 years now and frankly I'm tired of hiding it" "as long as your okay with it we can keep going but if there's any part of you that thinks you'll regret it tell me now and we can just cuddle" "no I want this hope I love you I have since I was 12" she then smashed her lips into mines and she kissed me passionately she gently grabbed my sides and flipped us over "is this okay" I just nodded she kissed me on my lips then moved down to my neck and found my sweet spot and started to sucked

Hopes pov:
I started to suck and nibble at her neck  and I left a hickey on her neck I gently grabbed her leg and lifted it she moaned softly I went down to her thighs and started to suck and leave little kisses "Hope stop teasing" she moaned I went to pull down her panties and kiss near her center but not quite close her breaths became more and more into panting I can tell she was becoming more inpatient she then pushed my head straight into her core so I lick the more I licked her moans got louder "more I need more hope" I shoved two fingers in and went and started picking up the paste the faster I would go her moans grew louder god how I loved how she moaned I felt her walls clench around my fingers she was close "hope I'm close" "come for me baby" as soon as I said that she came "hopeeee" I let her ride out her high then I licked up the juices then I went back up and kissed her on her lips so she can taste herself she tried to deeped the kiss but I stoped her "tonight was about you and only you"I kissing her four head "now come on let's cuddle" I said as she went to come closer to me I hugged her and her breath started slowing down so I knew she was  asleep god this girl is going to be the death of me I thought to myself "goodnight my little bunny" I said giving her a kiss on her head then I surrendered myself to sleep

W/N: sorry this chapter was late but I had things to do my birthday is on Sunday but I don't think I'm going to do anything but who knows sorry if the smut part is weird I never done any thing like that before

Word count:1554

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