"Gone Worries" Chp 4

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" O O F " Nightmare loudly said when he tripped over a piece of string

"What the fuck-" Nightmare would slightly yell out these ' magical ' words


Error yelled out to this nightmare

"Error fuck off we're allowed to swear"

Dust blurted back

"Y-y0u- MMMmM-"

Error was quite angry since everything was at peace.. at first.

"Dont worry error. Anyways is cross okay?"

Nightmare said with a slight worry in his tone

"Oh Cross is okay!" Horror walked close to nightmare, eating an apple

"OI. I said no apples IN THE FUCKING HOUSE." Nightmare Yelled out to cross,

Horror sighed and threw it out

"This fucking sucks"
Horror spurted back

"We only eat apples on S U N D A Y S ."

Nightmare huffed annoyed

"Anyways, I want to have a small meeting before we continue our day right now, horror get everybody who's not in the living room here."

Nightmare said with a calm Tone

"You got it ma!"

Horror rushed away

As A Couple Minutes Passed, Horror Came Back With The Rest Of The Team

"Good Thank You Horror."

"Okay Everyone, you may have noticed when I had left for quite a bit, it's because i had.. felt some Negative energy earlier that was quite overwhelming. But do not worry, it has been taken care of."

Nightmare lied to his little squad of kids

"See error! You got worried when nightmare left but look! Ma is all good and he's strong as fuck!"

Dust said with a smug tone

"S-sHuT u-Up! Y-y0u w0uLd 4ls0 b3 w0rR13d 1f m4 l3Ft 4nD n3v3R c4M3 b4Ck!?"

Error retorted back

"N-no! I'm an adult! I don't need nightmare with me at all times unlike you!"

Dust yelled angrily

"Now now children, let's calm down, have you all eaten yet?"

Nightmare looked at the group with a soft smile

"Yes we have!"

Cross Smiled

"Good.. good"

Nightmare Smiled

"Now let's go watch a movie Hm?"


They ALL RAN To the living room yelling for the remote

Nightmare chuckled and soon followed

-to be continued

Hi everyone! I'm so sorry this update was so late :(( I'll try and be quicker next time! I just haven't been feeling to best but I'm back dw!

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