on the roof

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Later that same day

Asahi's POV

This is her class, right? Oh, there she is. Standing behind Hinata and staring at the ground. Hinata is talking to his classmates and Annie is just standing there looking lost. I opened the door to their classroom,

"Annie" I called out to her a little bit louder than I had intended to. Her head shot up and her eyes darted right to me. "C'mere," I waved my hand towards myself, motioning for her to come over "and you too Hinata." I smiled as Annie skipped over and Hinata followed close behind. 

We stepped outside their classroom, in the hallway, and I began to tell them about practice today. "Ukai told Daichi that he'd be late today, so I told Daichi I'd let you guys know. But Daichi also mentioned that he'd be taking the time to hang out with Suga,"

"ooooh" Hinata cooed

"Not like that!" I sighed, "Okay, maybe like that. But that's beside the point! I thought that maybe you and Kageyama could go set up in the gym early and practice by yourselves until coach Ukai gets here." 

"WOW ASAHI-SAN! That's a great idea! I'll go tell Kageyama!" Hinata turned around and began running down the hall screaming Kageyama's name. He got about three doors down the hall before he turned and ran back towards us. When he got back to us he put his forehead to Annie's and said, "And you, stay with Asahi and if you go anywhere, don't get lost." He pulled his head away and looked her in the eyes, "Okay?" Annie nodded. "Okay!" Hinata exclaimed. Then he started down the hall again "KAGEYAMA!!"

I laughed at him as he threw the door to Kageyama's classroom open, still screaming. I turned to Annie who was holding her head in her hands and rubbing her temples.

"Is that normal?" I asked her, amused. She nodded in response, with an exasperated look on her face. "Your family sounds fun" I laughed. Annie lifted her head and looked down the hall, she nodded lightly and a soft smile overcame that exasperated expression. 

We stood in the hall for a bit before Annie's hand slipped into mine and she began leading me down the hall. She lead me through the halls and up the stairs until we reached the roof. How did she know I'd planned to bring her here? I had wanted to talk in private about what happened earlier, and this was the only private place I could think of.  Once we reached the roof she let go of my hand and stepped outside. she stepped out into the Sun and sat down. She chose to sit on the concrete, in direct sunlight, in the center of the ground. How random. I watched her as she plopped herself down. She surprises me in the smallest ways sometimes, I never know what she'll do next. She sat with her legs stretched out in front of her,  ankles crossed, and leaning back on her arms. As she rested there, the wind slightly blowing her hair to the side. her hair floating up and falling back down in a continuous tug of war with gravity. At this moment I realized, I am so captivated by this person. Entranced, mesmerized, enthralled; this person has swept me off my feet. 

"Asahi?" Annie's voice, louder than I'd ever heard it before, woke me from my thoughts, but really it helped dig the hole I'm falling into. Annie had twisted around and called out to me, she then gestured for me to come sit with her. I walked over and sat down next to her. She, once again, relaxed back onto her hands and she closed her eyes as her face watched the trees dancing in the wind. Then, something inside me snapped. Maybe it was the way she looked, sitting there, in the sun with her hair dancing in the wind that same way the leaves did. Maybe it was the way her voice traveled through me, yet swallowed me entirely. Maybe it was the fact that she's my girlfriend now, and we know our feelings are the same. 

"Annie." I shifted my body to face hers, "can I kiss you?"

Annie's eyes opened slowly, she pulled her legs close to her and she adjusted herself to face me more comfortably. She sat on her legs and shifted her weight onto her feet as her shoulders relaxed but maintained good posture. Her hands rested in her lap, folded neatly. Her eyes were soft and yet, they look straight into me. I feel as though she reads my emotions and thoughts, and that she finds the story they tell her just as captivating as I find her to be.

"Please do"

789 words

Oh jeez, I'm sorry everyone, it was 3rd marking period testing. My school is weird and instead of taking a midterm and then the finals we have to take cumulative tests at the end of every marking period and then finals at the end of the school year. It's been a hot minute since I updated but I hope you enjoyed reading! I can't wait for you all to see what I have planned and I love you all! Have a great day!💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

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