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Nightfall, five mysterious teens are already in the underground laboratory. Tim, Jacob, Rhett , Reva and Elsa were already working on their secret experimental project regarding morphing grids even though those five teens were Billy Cranston's colleagues.

" Should we test this thing?" Elsa asked.

" It would be risky without Billy's permission. " Tim said. " Billy is in Aquitar. But we need to test this in the stimulation."

" What should we do?" Elsa asked.

" We need to test this new morphers."  Tim said. 

" You do know what dangers could be locked in." Jacob said. " Even though we found these Psycho Powers in the quarry two weeks ago."

" You simply have a point." Tim said. " Let's make it clear that the United Alliance of Evil is planning to launched an invasion on Earth."

" I guess we have no other choice but to use these morphers." Reva said.

" Well then, let's test it." Rhett said.

Now Tim and his lads were about to test the morphers.

" The computer is ready for the assessments. " Reva said.

" Excellent work Reva." Elsa said.

Tim pressed the red button as the morphers glows then the computer corrupted as it exploded as the electricities were short-circuit. Tim and the others have lost their consciousness as they were transformed into Psycho Rangers. The rangers get up.

" Did it work?" Psycho Red asked.

" It worked." Psycho Black said.

" I feel weird." Psycho Pink said.

" Me too." Psycho Blue said.

" What about you Reva?" Psycho Red asked.

" I felt like I'm losing control." Psycho Yellow said. 

Psycho Yellow blasted all the computers.

Then, the other Psycho Rangers lose their control and starts blasting all the computers. The Space Rangers came here to investigate.

" What is going on here?!" Red Space Ranger said.

The Psycho Rangers turned around and face the Space Rangers.

" Psycho Rangers are back." Yellow Space Ranger said.

" But how, we destroyed them?" Black Space Ranger said.

" Wait! Something is not right about them! I sensed that they're human in ranger form." Red Space Ranger said.

" Prepare to meet your doom Power Rangers!" Psycho Red said as he and the other Psychos summoning their respective weapons.

" Bring it on!" Red Space Ranger said as he and the Space Rangers are now started to fight off the Psycho Rangers.

" If they're human, that means they've been possessed." Blue Space Ranger said.

" It's their morphers that has evil energy genetic code in it." Pink Space Ranger said. " We need to break the evil energy that possess those Psycho morphers."

" Fight me Pink Ranger!" Psycho Pink said.

" C'mon lady! Don't let evil overwhelming your mind!" Pink Space Ranger said.

" Hah! Looks like I'm in control!" Psycho Pink said.

" This isn't fun anymore." Pink Space Ranger said.

Morphin Grid: The Rise of the Psycho RangersWhere stories live. Discover now