Our Annual Fight

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A tall, grey haired man opened the door. His right hand laid on the three buttons on the top of his white shirt that were unbuttoned. He had a menacing grin on his face as he entered the door way. That expression suddenly changed when he identified Reiner who was sat on your bed.

"Who said you get to have a piece?" The old man growled, walking towards the bed.

"Sir, she is just sleeping." He replied, making his grip around you tighter.

"Yeah right! Get away from her you bipolar freak." He slightly shouted, grabbing onto the blondes arm.

"Hands off!" Reiner shouted, yanking his arm away.

The grey haired man seemed unpleased, rage filling his eyes. He took a swing at Reiner's head, but he ducked just in time. Your leg then jumped out from the bed, landing a swift kick to the mans thigh. You rose your head and jumped at him, causing him to fall to the ground.

"How about we do things my way this time?" You said, punching him square in the jaw. You repeated these actions a few times, leaving his face covered in bruises. His nose started to drip red blood. You spat onto his face, "Perv." You rose to your feet before grabbing Reiner's hand and leading him out of your room. This would most definitely get you and him in trouble, but at this point, you didn't care. You finally felt some sort of happiness.

"Did you see that? I just went, bang, bang, bang! He was all like, 'No stop! Please don't hurt me. I'm sorry!' That was hilarious." You chuckled, holding onto your stomach.

Reiner smiled at you, watching you stumble down the hall. He was so happy to see you acting like your old self again. The you that laughed, made jokes and forced smiles among others, even the ones who never did, like captain Levi.

"We are going to get in so much trouble! Theo could probably get me out of it though, right?" You laughed, leaning against the cold stone walls.

"Help you get out of what?" Theo suddenly appeared from around the corner. He crossed his arms, a stern look on his face.

Your eyes widened and the giggled stopped. "Oh, um, well..." Your voice was interrupted by Reiner's, whos was cold and monotoned.

"That old man tried to touch her again, so she beat him up sir. I will take the credit and any punishment for it though." He said, standing straight up.

"Really? Good work! That's my girl!" He cheered, pulling you into a hug and spinning you around. A smile appeared on the generals face as he spun you. To him, you were now set free from that perv's curse.

"Well, we have to go hide now. Catch ya later pops!" You waved, grabbing onto Reiner's wrist and sprinting down the halls. He waved back, walking towards his office.

After running for a while you had made it outside. The new recruits were training, working on physical fighting.

"This is our specialty! Come on, lets go help!" You pleaded, still holding tight to Reiner's wrist. He followed behind you, letting out a small sigh.

"Just for you princess." He chuckled, following behind you.

The two of you wandered over to the cadets. You looked at two of them who were throwing weak punches at one another.

"No, no, like this." You grabbed the young boys hands, placing one near his eyes, and the other one near his chin. "Now you are protecting your face from getting hit. Always keep your hands like this. Jab with your weaker arm, and land heavy punches with your stronger arm. Gosh, who taught you to fight like that." You scoffed.

Reiner stood from a distance admiring your teaching skills. He was completely drawn to you.

"The old man who is in charge, but thank you, uh, Mrs. Sorry, what's your name?" He stammered.

"Of course. But the name is Captain Aloisa, call me that. This is Captain Reiner, but you already know that." You replied, lifting your chin into the air.

"Thank you Captain. I will be sure to use this." He smiled, nodding his head.

You waved him off walking  to an open spot. "Well, lets have a round. Didn't come out here for nothing, right?" You asked, bouncing on your toes back and forth.

"I don't really know..." Reiner sighed, putting his hands on his hips.

"Why? Scared to lose to a girl in front of all of your cadets!" You laughed, yelling it out so it would draw attention.

"Oh now its game on." Reiner replied, smiling. He stood, lifting his fists up. The two of you walked in a circle, keeping eye contact. You than made a step forward, causing Reiner to leap at you. You swiftly moved to the side, causing him to stumble. He turned quickly, grabbing onto your waist. He tried push you to the ground, but you hit the inside of his elbows. This caused his arms to fall limp. You went for his legs, but they made their way to your stomach first. You flew into the air, using one of your arms to hold your stomach. Knowing that this left you wide open, you took your right leg, swiping at Reiner's open head. They collided, causing him to fall to the ground. Taking a deep breath, you jumped onto his back. You had one hand pushing his head into the dirt. The other hand had covered your mouth as blood leaked out.

The fight had lasted only a minute. People around you had their jaws hanging to the ground. They had never seen people fight so quickly and efficiently. Multiple of them cheered, and other winced in your pain.

"I give up. I am too old for this." Reiner groaned, spitting dirt out of his mouth. You rose to your feet, covering your bloody hand. Sticking your hand out, you gestured it to help him to his feet. As he grabbed your hand, he twisted your wrist, causing you to fall to the ground. He pushed you onto your back, holding your wrists above your head. He than realized that your hand had blood on it. He let go of you, helping you to your feet. You than hacked up more blood into your hand. He waved the people off, telling them to get back to work. Reiner guided you back into the large building.

"Why didn't you tell me you were bleeding? I would of stopped." He sighed, wiping the blood away from your hand with his sleeve.

"Sorry." You replied. Your sides were heaving, in and out, in and out. You leaned against the stones, letting out slow breaths.

"Hey, is everything okay?" His hand caressed your soft cheek. Your eyes met with him. They looked tired and droopy. They fluttered violently, trying to stay open. Your head then dropped into his hands, and became lifeless.

Reiner started to panic. He picked you up, shouting things in your face trying to awake you. He carried you to the infirmary in the Marley head quarters. Opening the door, he ran over to a nurse who was filing some papers.

"Please help, she has just fallen unconscious!" He yelled, looking at the older nurse. She nodded her head, guiding him towards a bed. They laid down your body that had small breaths coming out. The nurse made Reiner leave and she started to examine you.


A/N: only two chapter left!! i hope you guys are enjoying this story as much as i did when i was writing it. it isn't my best of work and i am still trying to become an even better writer! thank you for all your time and patience so far :) enjoy the rest!

Just a Memory |Unforgettable Memories 2|Reiner x Reader|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz