Needed You

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(vomit warning - skip second paragraph)

3rd person pov:

"Well, stop by my office tomorrow." He smirked, rubbing your soft face. His hand traced down to your throat before he exited.

As soon as he was out of sight you sprinted into the toilet. You fell to your knees and puked. The food that you ate that night came out violently through your mouth. You wiped your mouth and rose to your feet. You than slowly exited and continued to clean the rest of the floor. That mans words and actions scarred your mind as it was all you could think about as you cleaned.

After you had finished, you made your way back to the cleaning closet, dropping off your supplies. As you turned back around, Theo had been sitting on the wall that surrounded the hall that you were in. His arms that lay crossed across his chest suddenly opened, welcoming you in for a hug. You flew into his arms and started to cry. He must of known that you had just gone through a unforgettable memory, as his arms held you close.

As time went on, Theo became more and more like your father. He would always teach you new things, and made sure you ate, drank and were well rested. This led him to start standing up to the old man who would force you to do unspeakable things, just for his own pleasure.

"I am so sorry you have to keep going through that. I promise you that you will be free from that hell soon." Theo said, sticking his pinky towards you. Your finger wrapped around his, and the promise was sealed.

"It is okay sir, please don't worry." You felt bad as the father figure didn't know your real reason for the movement up the fields. You reassured him with a smile. He walked you towards your room, dropping you off, and saying goodnight. The two of you parted ways. You opened your door to find Reiner sitting on a chair that was in front of a desk. He had his head in his hands, balling his eyes out.

You ignored him, and made it towards your bed. Reiner had done nothing to benefit you over these past weeks. He failed to protect you from the old man. If anything, he would enforce it more and more. You walked towards your closet grabbing some sleep wear. Reiner rose his eyes towards you, tears still falling from his face.

"Stop ignoring me! Can't you see i'm crying n/n." He shouted at you. You again ignored him, not paying attention to his sob story. His hand than made a reach for yours. Swiftly, you grabbed his hand and turnt his arm. This made his arm bend completely the other way.

"Let go! I was just trying to get your attention." Reiner scowled, trying to pull away.

"Right. Or are you just going to touch me like he does." You snapped, twisting his arm more and more.

"You're crazy n/n! I would never touch you like that, and you know it!"

"Than why do you let him do it? You watch him, and never say anything. So why should I feel any pity towards you. You are just as bad as him!" You shouted, kicking the blonde in the stomach, and dropping his arm. He fell to his knees, grabbing onto his stomach. Blood flew out of his mouth from the impact.

"N/n please, I want to save you. I really do. But mind you, you are infiltrating Marley, and you are an Eldian." Reiner said, cupping the blood in his hand.

"How am I ever going to go back? You think I am going to tell them? Dumb blonde." You crossed your arms and stuck your nose in the air.

"Whatever you say. You know, I objected for you to join, but those perverts wanted you so desperately. As you see, most of the soldiers are men, so women aren't common. They would of accepted you even if you were ugly." He rose to his feet, still holding onto his stomach. You had felt defeated. All of your hard work, to only be excepted because your pretty? That was one of the most annoying and agitating statements anyone has ever said.

"I'll be the best soldier here. I will surpass you, and prove that I am a good soldier. Mark my word." You pushed your finger against his broad chest.

"Fine then. Let the best man win." He grabbed onto your hand, putting in down at your side.

"Oh, tell Delilah hello if you go and see her again this weekend." You growled, pulling your hand away from his. Reiner stopped, and grabbed you by your waist. He closed the gap between you to, looking into your e/c eyes.

"I would pick you over her any day." He said. His face came closer and close to yours. You debated if you should kiss him or not. Your breathing started to intensify and you shoved him off of you. You started to hyperventilate, holding your chest. Tears fell from your eyes as you remembered these similar actions from the old man. The feeling of his cold hands on your bare body. His musty breath that was hot on your neck. The physical and verbal abuse that came from him. They rushed into your head causing you to have a panic attack.

"Hey, n/n? n/n? Stay with me. Hey snap out of it." Reiner said, shaking your unconscious body. He ran out of the room and straight for the generals room. His fist pounded against the door.

"Theo! Theo, open up!" He shouted, banging on the door until it was opened.

"What do you want at this time of night?" He asked, rubbing his eyes.

"It's n/n- I mean Aloisa. She had a panic attack then passed out." Your real nickname had slipped out, but Theo failed to realize it. He was too worried about you and your well being. The man sprinted to your room, yelling at reiner to grab some water. He snaked his hand behind your back, pushing your limp body upwards.

"Come on sweetheart. Just stay with me." Theo grabbed the water from Reiner and splashed some of it on your face. This caused you to wake up, and look around frantically.

"Stop! No!" You shouted as if you were still in your painful memories.

Theo pulled you close as tears streamed down your face. He lifted you up into your bed, but you still clung to him. The general was so comforting, almost like Erwin was when you would have a breakdown.

"Everything is okay now. You are safe." He  gave you a reassuring smile. Theo fixed the hair that covered your sad face. He brushed it away to reveal your watery eyes.

"Thank you dad." You said, not meaning to call him that, but it just came out. Theo had just started beaming like a light. Your words made him feel special and accepted.

"Anytime sweetheart." He rubbed your back as the two of you sat there.

On the other hand, Reiner stood in the door way. He was craving to have you in his arms instead. He knew well enough that he couldn't interrupt this moment though, so he left. His feet dragged down the dark halls. Even though Reiner seemed to hate you, he was madly in love with you. He just couldn't bring himself to accept it.

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