Chapter 1 little recap

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Hey guys i'm new and english isn't my 1st language so sorry in advance for the mistakes.
Ima be writing a cat blanc series (inspired by the episode ofc!) it's going to be kinda dramatic

Cat blanc's pov:
It has been five years, five whole years without her, five years since i saw the love my life, m'lady...

My head is crowded but my heart is empty

Memories are the only thing keeping me company since i destroyed Paris and drowned everyone

I feel so guilty even tho i tried so hard to resist the akuma but it got me because Hawk Moth, well father, knew that my only weakness beside m'lady was mother

The only person that showed me love and affection in my life

when she got sick, my heart was torn apart and the sleepless nights made it impossible to focus on anything and that's when father became even more strict.

To keep me distracted from all the pain he hired Nathalie and Gorilla to take care of me.

Nathalie was in charge to keep me busy and surcharging my days to keep me distracted from my constant pain and gorilla was there to protect me at all cost.

But when mother disappeared, my whole life fell apart even tho i kept smiling and showing my father that i was fine

I was never fine

even when mother was alive, i was never fine

but worrying my father would trigger him into giving me less freedom so i had to pretend that i'm doing okay and i had to do exactly what Nathalie had planned for me because she reported everything to him

even tho my entire life i felt trapped in an endless loop where my father is in control,

this time i felt extremely manipulated because mother always softened him and made him less strict

but when she was gone, he had a complete shutdown and locked himself in the house and made me stay with him

and when he did that i lost my freaking mind

it was too much for me.

I always asked Nathalie if she could convince him into agreeing on a less tight schedule but he would always respond with:

"your mother would be so disappointed in her boy, look how lazy he has become"

using my own mother, my endless pain into guilt tripping me for asking for a little time for myself?

that was when i cut all interaction with him hoping he would feel guilty and apologize but no

he didn't even care

All he did was lock himself in his office and stare at my mother's statue.

He never ONCE asked me if i was okay,

we never talked about it

we would barely talk at all

the only person he had actual conversations with was Nathalie.

And I?

All i had was myself, my toughs and the endless gifts my father would give me hoping this will make me okay

and personally, i don't even think he chose them

he would ask Nathalie to buy me stuff in his name

thinking this would fix my broken heart.

Sometimes i would look thru my window at night and stare at the families walking by our house,

happy families

not rich, not damaged, no hate, no pain
just families having a family walk with smilies on their faces.

And every time i saw similar families passing by, i tear up a little bit

why me? what did i do to deserve that? why can't i have this? this is all i asked for my whole life.

When i tried to confront my father about this
all he did was yell at me and tell me that i'm an 'ungrateful spoiled brat' because kids my age would kill to live my life.

But honestly, if these kids saw my life behind the cameras, they would regret saying that they ever wanted to be me.

I would give up all of this just to have a normal life.

A life where your father is the person you go to when you're in trouble,

a life where your mother is there to make your darkest days more bright

a life where you go to school and rant about having too much homework and make fun of teachers

a life where your opinion actually matters.

Normal kids hate going to school, but for me, going to school would be such a gift

having people to interact with

having fun, creating memories...

But no, father never accepted.

Well eventually he did thanks to Nathalie but i had gorilla taking me and waiting for me in front of the school gates but i was grateful that i had a school experience once in my life.

But father, he's the reason i never had a normal life, he's the reason i'm here,

on the roof without my lady

and reliving my lonely childhood in my head to pass time.

I hate this heartless monster.


ok so it was my 1st chapter,
chapter 2 is mlb but from adrians pov (a recap
obv) and how he felt in some situations ( it wont be boring!) but igg i have a test tomorrow and i wrote this at 2 am so...
thanks for reading!

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