Gas chamber

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Albert was walking through the Windows Plains, The sun was barely visible and the air hard to breathe because of all the fog, He was wearing a Victorian Dress cause Fiddlepat had invited him to another tea party, The myth seemed to have had enjoyed the last one so he had decided to invite Albert to another one.

In the distance he could see a wooden table with two seats and a figure sitting on one of them, Albert immediately recognized the myth as Fiddlepat, The figure waved at Albert, So Albert hurried to his seat not wanting the myth to wait, Fiddlepat was wearing his iconic white suit smile visible on the myth's face.

There was soothing music playing on an old radio, setting a calm tone for the tea party 

"WELCOME, SIT SIT!" The myth said happily seeing Albert walking towards him, After Albert sat down the myth handed him a warm cup of tea. "where are the others" Albert asked curios.

"DO YOU WANT TOY?" The myth glanced at the shaking toy on the table ignoring Alberts question, Albert decided not to pry the myth for answers wanting to enjoy the tea party, "yes" Albert replied, Once the myth grabbed the toy the toys limb's immediately fell of "BROKEN BROKEN BROKEN BROKEN BROKEN" the myth chanted before throwing it in the distance.

"I MADE TEN SMORES YOU CAN HAVE SEVEN I WILL TAKE THREE" Albert took a bite of one of the smore's making a satisfied noise "DO YOU LIKE IT" the myth said with confidence seeing Albert's reaction "yes" Albert's reply had made Fiddlepat even more excited.

The myth grabbed his own tea and gulped it down "YOU SHOULD TRY TEA" Albert grabbed the tea feeling the warmth of the tea on his hands and took a sip the tea had a flowery scent and was sweet to taste from the sugar the myth added "it's delicious" "THANKS" the myth replied full heartedly.

"I HAVE GIFT FOR YOU" the myth said before handing Albert a gift, The gift was wrapped in white wrapping paper and tied with a white bow, Inside the gift was a large Victorian hat decorated with roses  "thank you" Albert said whole heartedly before wearing the hat "IT LOOKS BEAUTIFUL, UNLIKE THAT CREATURE STANDING OVER THERE" the myth glanced at the creature standing in fog seeing it made the myth make a disgusted face.

The fog made it hard to see, The fog made it hard to breathe

"HEY YOU THINK I'M HANDSOME RIGHT?" the myth asked showing signs of nervousness, "your a very handsome man" After finishing the statement Albert started to cough uncontrollably "DRINK TEA IT SHOULD STOP COUGH" the myth suggested.

Not long later the myth himself started shaking uncontrollably "GAS MAKES IT HARD TO SEE" "you mean fog?" "GAS" Albert coughed again his throat starting to sting.

Albert grabbed his empty cup noticing his hands were shaking, Albert glanced up as the myth was drinking tea and gobbling down a smore "MORE TEA?" the myth asked curious "yes" the myth poured Albert a generous amount of tea and added a generous amount of sugars and milk "thanks" Albert said pleased

After a while of drinking and eating smores he felt a slight sting in his lungs, Fiddlepat wasn't doing any better either, The myth was coughing every few minutes like his lungs depended on it.

Albert realized that he had to get Fiddlepat away from here, Away from the fog mind made up he grabbed Fiddlepat shaking hand and dragged him somewhere, Anywhere away from the fog

"where's the exit Fiddlepat?" Albert asked voice panicked "THERE IS NO HOPE, THEY HAVE LEFT US" Fiddlepat deadpanned with a shaking voice, Albert decided to ignore the myth and continue walking while holding the myth's shaking hand.

Suddenly the hand he was holding grew limb sounds of body hitting hard ground could be heard through the fog, Upon seeing this Albert immediately slumped down and screamed for Fiddlepat to wake up, not noticing the small dark spots that were surrounding his eyes until his world grew black. 

Gas Chamber (Fiddlepat x Albert)Where stories live. Discover now