Chapter 35

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It had been 3 months since their wedding, and it had indeed been a happy 3 months. Elena was really starting to feel the symptoms of pregnancy now, seen as how she was almost 6 months pregnant. There was a noticeable bump, which Stefan touched every chance he got. She didn't mind though, in fact she loved it. She also had an increase in appetite, she wanted food every second of the day and if Stefan didn't have a plate in his hand he would know about it. She would apologize with a kiss after she had ate her food though, and Stefan would happily accept that form of apology.

Stefan and Elena had moved into their new house last month, and they were so happy with it. It truly felt like a home, and a home they wanted to stay in forever. It was hard to find a home that was perfect, but this home was very close to it. Now all the time they had was focused on their jobs and preparing for the baby.

Stefan's intern hours had increased a little, and he was close to actually being hired as a junior doctor. He could eventually move up the Doctor career path, but for now this was amazing. The hours weren't too long, meaning he had time to focus on Elena and their baby. Elena had also found someone who was willing to hire her as a work at home journalist even if she is 5 months pregnant, which was really great. Her boss emailed her the daily tasks that she had to do and she got to work on them straight away, she loved staying productive and this job helped her do just that.

It was both Stefan and Elena's day off, and they were about to head to Elena's scan. They can choose to find out the gender today, and after having a long discussion they both agreed they would like to know. That way they can decorate the baby's nursery and buy cute outfits in the appropriate color. Not that babies couldn't wear all different colors, but they had already picked out their color scheme for a boy or a girl.

After the scan Stefan was going to pick Damon up from the airport. They were 2 weeks away before summer camp would start again, and Damon wanted to fly to England for a week so he could come visit Stefan before he became occupied by the camp once more. Damon would be staying in one of their plenty of guest rooms, and Elena was excited to have family stay with her. Their house was big enough for her whole family to stay in, and if she had it her way her whole family would move in with her. Or maybe that was just her pregnancy, overly emotional, hormones talking.

Elena was currently stood in front of her wardrobe, holding in a scream. Her baby bump was very visible now and all of her clothes were starting to become too small for her. She needed some maternity clothes, but she hadn't gotten around to buying them yet. That was definitely something she had to do, before she became a big ball of stress and exploded.

"Why don't you just wear one of my t shirts?" Stefan suggested. He thought Elena was acting adorable, but also borderline insane. The look she gave him just confirmed that she was acting insane, and he was fearing his life right now. He had learned that it was best to not get on the wrong side of her, but it was moments like these where he knew he was going to get it.

"And leave the house looking like a mess in my husbands over sized shirt? No I'd rather have my stomach out on display." Elena snapped, but both of them knew she didn't mean it. Pregnancy hormones mixed with irritation because of clothes was never a good mix.

"Hey, come here." Stefan spoke and she walked over towards him. He lightly cupped her face in his hands, making her look directly at him. "I love you, but I hate that you're so worked up over this. So let's take a few minutes to breathe and then we can work together to find something to wear? Yeah?" Stefan asked and Elena nodded. It was amazing how quickly he could calm her down, she didn't know what she would do without him.

"You're so good to me, I'm sorry for snapping at you. I love you so much." Elena replied and wrapped her arms around him. Sometimes she felt like she didn't deserve Stefan, but times like now she just appreciated the fact that she had him. She was really lucky to have him, and she was never planning on letting him go.

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