Rebellion | Chpt 44

Start from the beginning

"Yeah the change in y over the change in x is slope. Or m."

"Right, so...pick 2 points and do the vertical over the horizontal."



"Yes. See slope isn't hard."

"Okay so now I've got m,"

"Ah no, a negative over a negative is positive," I corrected and he erased his mistake.

"Okay now I've got m."

"Well this one is a graph, so you can just look at where the line intersects the y-axis. So that would be here," I said, pointing it out. "But if you wanted you could pick a point and plug the coordinates x and y into y=mx+b. Solve for b."

"Right, I've got a couple of those."

We worked through a couple more and I almost forgot my dad was even home. Kaminari had to focus a little harder on math, so he was distracted as well. It didn't matter that my father was listening in from the kitchen. It was just casual.

"Hey, you hear they're starting a tennis club?" Kaminari asked, filling out his work.

"No, really?"

"Yeah. Now that there's more general sports here there might be more people in Recovery Girl's office. That means more work for you. Unless you decide to play tennis."

"Ahh no I'm not a sport person."

"Fair enough," he replied. "You think I could play tennis?"

"I don't know...can you?" I asked, laughing slightly.

"Not in the slightest, but it's a tennis club. They'll teach me," he said, as if that were obvious.

"I'm sure that's a good idea. Electric tennis balls," I replied. He put his name on top of his paper, the smell of food starting to permeate the living room. It wasn't done yet, so they wouldn't call us. "You thirsty? I forgot to ask you when you walked in."

"I could use water actually. Please and thanks," he said. I held out a hand to signal he should stay and I headed into the kitchen. My father had obviously moved away from the door frame's edge, pretending like he hadn't in fact been listening. I smiled slightly towards him, getting two glasses of water. I returned, Kaminari helping me with English until dinner.

"Yeah, that's a past tense thing," he said.

"How do you get this stuff?"

"Just gifted in language I guess," he replied.

"You should be a traveling hero, one that works in other places. You could learn a bunch of languages," I suggested.

"I didn't really think about that," he said.

"What about that kid in your class that speaks French? They could teach you stuff," I said.

"Aoyama? I guess they could. That's a really good idea," he agreed and I smiled at him. Mic popped his head in again, interrupting.

"Dinner!" he said. I pointed out Kaminari's water so he wouldn't forget when we headed into the kitchen. He sat down in one of the chairs at the table, luckily the one we never used. I sat down beside him, setting my water down. My father set a plate down in front of Kaminari and then me. I kicked Kaminari under the table and he blurted out a thank you.

"You're welcome," my father replied dryly. He sat down with Mic and we all began eating. I glanced over at Kaminari's face, which was slightly pale. He was eating more polite than I had ever seen. I slumped slightly, praying that my father wouldn't drill Kaminari during conversation. About whatever, I wasn't sure. "How was school (y/n)?"

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