«|| 03: Unexpected Welcomes

Start from the beginning

If it were a sort of punishment, you'd be okay with it; it was something you deserved anyway, no? Everyone believes you were behind it, so maybe this would be a good way to redeem yourself.

The sisters continued to claw at your skin, the actions alone causing your skin to break. You look up at some of the sisters and instantly regret it. Their skin was far beyond help, their clothing was already melded in their skin, and their skin bubbled uncontrollably. They were practically unrecognizable save for the voices you went off of, but even that was warped. It was sickening.

Please, just let me go. I'm sorry, is what you would've said if you could, but at this point, nothing would reach them.

It was getting harder and harder to breathe now, and it wouldn't be long until you passed out. You attempted to curl yourself into a small ball, their assaults only getting worse. The only good thing was that you weren't burning to a complete crisp right now, and you can thank your newfound power for that.

"You did this; you did this to us! We won't EVER forgive you!" The last sentence struck a chord deep within you, their words like lashes on your skin, and the dams broke again. Your tears fell excessively, and all you could do was hug yourself tighter. Is this truly how they felt? You knew it was a dream, it had to be, but everything about it was off.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. But it wasn't my fault. At this point, your feelings were mixed, half of you believed you were in the wrong, but the other half believes you weren't the one who caused it. Maybe your presence alone caused it? You continued to question yourself, but no answers came, only furthering your disappointment.

Then all of a sudden, the air wasn't so thick anymore. The crackling of the fire was no longer there, and the sisters weren't on your back anymore, the pressure now completely gone. You kept your eyes closed, though, in fear of seeing another unsettling thing.

It was quiet, eerily so, and it unnerved you to some degree. You breathed in and out, doing your best to calm your racing heart.

Finally, you opened your eyes, the wounds on your skin were no longer there, and the shreds of evidence of a struggle were all gone.


You took a glimpse around your surroundings, and you instantly leaped upwards, scrambling away from your previous spot. Where you once sat were charcoal-colored bones, wisp-like trails oozing out of them. It was hard to explain without making up new words for it.

Looking around now, that was all you saw, remains of what you assumed were humans. A thick black cloud of smoke hung lowly on the ground, making it seem like you were walking on clouds. You gasped lightly as your foot hit another bone.

"Where... what is this? Is this what Hell looks like..?" you thought out loud; it'd be funny if it were, though, seeing as you were the one 'behind it all.'


One word. It was one word strong enough to send shivers down your spine. Startled, you whip around, your eyes darting to find the source of the voice, and when you do, almost immediately, you throw your hands up to shield your eyes.


In front of you stood an enormous being. So big, you had to back up a bit to get a good view of them. They wore long pristine white robes that hid most of their face, only leaving their mouth for display. On their head were two pointed tips, giving the appearance of two horns on their head. On their neck sat the symbol of the Sun God.

Your question only seemed to fall on deaf ears since 'Sol' did nothing but stand stiffly. Then, behind them, emerged seven pillars, and you were confused- rightfully so.

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