I reach for my bow. "Katniss Everdeen vibes, when do I get my peeta."

(A/N): Their love story was horrible, pretty sure Katniss was asexual. Of course that wasn't the plot so it's excused.

"What do we do now?" Marinette asks.

"Well first of all, what's your number?" I ask.

We exchange numbers and decide to head out. This Plagg character seems pretty cool.

"Meet you at the tower?" she asks.

"I'll save you a seat. Just try and keep up," I say.

She smiles and we jump out of her window. I passed my apartment and a mansion. It's just sitting there, in the middle of whatever town we're in. Once we reach the Eiffel tower a boy in a black suit comes to meet us.

"Hi I'm Cat Noir," he smiles.

"Did you just come up with that?" I ask.

"I'll admit that it took me a good two hours," he smirks.

I could fall in love with him if I wanted to. Good thing I don't want to.

"I'm ladybug," Marinette says. Clever. They look at me and wait for my hero name.

"Give me some time guys. No way am I going by 'blue finch'. Call me... Vocal," I say as Cat noir laughs.

"Okay birdie," Cat laughs.

(A/N): Okay the reason I say cat instead of chat is because this entire fanfic is in english. Chat is cat in french. Why would I translate that one word to French and nothing else? Riddle me this.

"Fine fine I'm 'Songbird' then," I say.

"It has a nice ring to it. Songbird," ladybug says.

"I know, but do you know anyone that goes to Collége Françoise Dupont?" I ask.

"I do," Ladybug and Cat say in unison.

"Cool my sister goes there-" I say before they can make any guesses. I forgot that I'll be a new student there. If I tell them I'm a new student they'll definitely know my identity. Well Mari already knows but kitty doesn't.

"Ahh well what's her name?" Cat asks.

"Funny Kit-Kat, unfortunately that's a secret," I say.

The ground shakes and a few civilians yell in terror. We all stand up and rush towards the noise.

"Ever seen a stoner giant that absorbs impact before?" Ladybug asks nervously.

"Well Tiki said you have to break the thing the akuma's in so let's start there," I say.

"There are too many people in the way. I can't even see the akumatized object," Ladybug says.

"Look harder," Cat Noir says.

"I got this onem", I jump closer to Stoneheart and open my wings. I soar more than fly but after a few seconds I get the hang of it. "~Everyone, except Cat Noir and Ladybug, get to safety. Run to the nearest building~"

"I get a stick and she gets mind control," Cat Noir says.

"I think that's her secret power, she can only use it once. Lucky charm... and this water suit, is mine."

"The akuma, I think it's in his right first. Figure out the rest, I'm about to power off," I say rushing off.

"Wren, you're the worst... Of course that's not the deactivation phrase. Wren, feathers back!" I deactivate,

"You did pretty well for you're first time," Wren compliments.

"I've been watching this show for 3 years now. Of course I know what to do," I say to Wren.


"Nothing, want do you want to eat?" I ask.

"I'm blue, Im a bird. Obviously a blueberry," Wren says.

"Here's a raspberry," I say throwing him the berry.

As soon as he eats it I say "Wren, you're the best," and transform.

Ladybug had already found the miraculous and broke the rock. The moth on the other hand was flying away. I pick up a nearby plastic bag and attach it to my arrows. I don't really aim but my new powers should help with that. The moth gets caught in the net and I yell "Ladybug de-evilize it."

"How?" she yells back.

"I don't know bout it with your yo-yo," I say.

She throws her yo-yo at it and it captures the akauma. She looks at it for a second and picks it up. The akauma comes out of it, she screams, and throws it away.

"Meowzers you 2 sure are interesting, I should go now. Unless we want to do an identity reveal?" Cat Noir says.

I got to go now," I say.

"I'll leave too," ladybug follows.

"Could have just said no!" Cat Noir shouts.

We reach her room and I collapse on her bed.

"I'll see you at school okay." I leave and head home.

(A/N): I know my writing is spotty but I don't want to explain the temperature of Marinettes face. Okay

Songbird: A Luka Couffaine fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now