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Less than a minute after the scramble alarm was sounded at Misawa Air Base, an aircraft warning system was doing its usual startup warnings. "Flight controls. Flight co-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND START YOU BOX OF SHIT!!" Haya angrily kicked the pedals of her GR.1 Harrier as the engine started spooling up. She had bright orange hair that went down to her shoulders. "Cmon... Cmon... Ok! Let's go!!" In classic Harrier fashion, she took off vertically without taxiing out of the tiedown spot. Almost immediately, the radio could be heard. "Yasukuni, you did not have clearance to take off. Land immediately an-" "I AIN'T WAITING FOR SHIT, FUCK OFF, THE OTHERS CAN CATCH UP!" She immediately went from a hover to full forward thrust and sped off at full throttle.

"Yasukuni, you aren't the only VTOL here. And I'm still faster." A more mature, less annoying voice came on the radio. "If you don't settle down I'll Fox-2 you out of the sky." The engine of a Yak-38 could be heard roaring as it lifted straight off the ground in the same way as the Harrier, with a girl inside who appears to be an older version of Haya, but with dark blue hair that matched the paint of her aircraft. "Misawa tower, Matsa is following behind Yasukuni."

"Yeah right, you couldn't hit me!" Haya's voice came on the radio again. "I'm settled down enough Kazashi." Meanwhile, on the ground, another aircraft was getting aligned on the runway. The American F-11 went to full power with afterburner and roared down the runway. "You two need to wait for me too!" Another voice said over the radio. The jet pulled up off the runway and retracted its landing gear. "Misawa tower, Shark is clear of the runway." Inside of the fighter was a girl named Mako with long Blonde hair and a slightly annoyed look on her face.

The F11 joined the other two aircraft as they flew over Japan's coast, where each aircraft's radio came on. "Unknown radar contact moving 400 knots at heading three zero zero. Intercept it." the voice on the radio instructed. "Alright, let's go!" Haya exclaimed excitedly, changing course as instructed. The other two followed.

"We have a visual on the radar contact, it's a MiG-15. Appears hostile." Mako radioed back to Misawa. "Understood, you are authorized to engage and destroy the aircraft." the radio replied. The MiG started to turn towards them. Haya turned on her Harrier's air-to-air missile seeker and armed the SRAAMs. "Yasukuni is entering combat." She kept her plane pointed at the MiG, and the high pitch sound of the seeker locking onto and tracking its target pierced the air. "Fox-2, fight's on!"

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