Quirk 23|| Cold Draft

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||Warnings: None that I can think of, feel free to comment warnings if you feel uncomfortable with anything please, it helps me be a better writer : )||

(A/N: Sorry for the low quality image lol.)



Quirk Name:

Cold Draft


Quirk Information:

This quirk gives the user the ability to teleport when temperatures are below a certain point exclusive to the user to another place at around the same temperature. For example, if the user can teleport from a place that is 15 degrees celsius (60 degrees fahrenheit), they can teleport to another place 15 degrees celsius or lower. As they use their quirk, overtime, the user can teleport at higher temperatures. This quirk also enables the user to "freeze" people for a certain amount of time. The duration depends on how much the user exercises their quirk.


Quirk Side Effects:

This quirk heavily relies on the temperature of the user's surroundings and how much they've exercised this quirk. As the user progresses with their quirk, the more they're able to withstand cold temperatures, teleport in warmer temperatures, and freeze people for longer.


Jobs for This Quirk:

Hero, Villain, Sidekick, whatever you can think of/insert job here.


Characters that could have this Quirk:

Main Character, Minor Character, Side Character (aka an "Extra"), Villain, Guest Character, Random Civilian with a twist.


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