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I was finishing up some chores around the house when I got a call from Chris
"Hey babe? I'm going to be late home tonight, sorry, I've got extra work to do." He said.
"That's fine, how late?" I asked.
"I'm not sure, so don't wait up for me, I love you."
"I love you too."
Knowing he wouldn't be home I put dinner on for myself and sat down in front of the TV to eat it. I called a few friends and did a few things here and there before going to bed.
I woke up the next morning, and there was still no sign of Chris. I was a bit anxious so I called him, only for it to go to a voicemail. Getting icreasingly worried I called Robert to see if he knew where he was, since they should've been at work together.
"Hi Robert."
"Hey Y/N. Is everything okay?"
"Not really, I got a call from Chris last night to say he would be late home, but he's still not here."
"Why did he say he'd be late?"
"He said he was working late, so I thought you might know."
"Y/N...he left at 4 yesterday afternoon."
"What? He told me he'd be late."
"He didn't tell me where he was going, but he left with Y/F/N (your friend's name)."
"Okay, thank you."
"No problem, I hope everything is okay."
"Thank you."
I hung up the phone, got ready, got my car keys and drove to Y/F/N's house. I had a spare key and we knew we could come to each others houses whenever. I called upstairs but there was no answer so I went up to her bedroom. I knocked briefly on the door before walking in.
"Y/N! What are you doing here?" She asked.
She sounded panicked.
"Well, Robert said Chris left with you-"
"What's going on Y/F/N?" The bathroom door opened and Chris looked at me and stopped dead in his tracks.

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