Começar do início

"I could get used to this view," Aaliyah said quietly.

"Me too," he murmured.

After a few minutes, Samantha joined them, with Matthew in tow.

"Li Li," he squealed, giving her a tight hug.

Her throat tightened with emotion. Too much hugging. She couldn't handle all these people being so happy to have her close. Before she could overthink it, Sylvia announced that lunch was ready.

They all settled at the table outside on the other side of the deck. She sat between Samantha and Jason, which was a relief.

Lunch was a long, leisurely affair because the Moore's liked to talk to one another and thrived on it. They were careful to include Aaliyah and seemed genuinely interested in what she had to say, but even when the conversation wandered to family matters of which Aaliyah had little knowledge, she somehow felt a part of it, as though she was, by a magical osmosis, actually being absorbed into the Moore clan.

"Aaliyah, tell us about your family," Sylvia asked.

"Mom," Jason snapped.

"What?" She shook her head, wide-eyed, and looked back to her.

"It's okay," Aaliyah said. "Um, my mother passed away when I was twelve. My father is no longer in the picture, so I don't really have a lot of close family now."

"Oh, sweetheart, I'm so sorry."

She shrugged, not wanting to seem emotional or upset about it. Plus, she'd barely scratched the surface. "Thank you. It's fine, though. I get to make my family wherever I go now."

Samantha grinned and leaned into her a little.

Jeffrey finished a bite of salad. "Tell us more about yourself. Jason tells us that you are not from here. Where are you from?"

She glanced over to Jason whose lips twisted into an annoyed grimace.

"California," she replied truthfully, as a sliver of nostalgia passed through her.

"Oh, a Cali girl," he said, amused. "What city?"

"Los Angeles."

"A big change in scenery, I'll say. So what made you want to move here to Port Isabel?"

Aaliyah hesitated. "Honestly, I just wanted something new; someplace where I knew could"

Jason's eyes softened at her words.

"But the people here are what drove me to stay." Aaliyah smiled. "I've become too attached."

The chitchat continued for a while and then the sound of cutlery hitting the plates began to die down as everyone finished the food on their plates. Sylvia slid out of her seat and reached for the dishes on the table.

Aaliyah jumped up from her seat. "Here. Let me help."

"Oh no, sweetheart. You're our guest."

"It's fine. I don't mind." She smiled reassuringly.

Together, they left the deck, their hands ladened with dishes. For a second, Aaliyah feared that there would be an awkward moment of silence, but thankfully, Sylvia swiftly snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Jason talks a lot about you," Sylvia said. "When he's around you, his face lights up. I don't think I've seen him this happy in a long time."

Aaliyah gave her a small smile and placed the plates down into the sink. "He makes me happy too."

"I'm so glad you two found each other. It blesses my heart to see that Jason has found a good woman like you,'' Sylvia continued. Aaliyah's mouth spread open in a wide grin for she was unsure of what to say next. The older woman gave her a warm pat on her back as she dropped the dishes in the sink and urged her to join the others outside.


Aaliyah breathed a sigh of relief as they left the bustling lunch with Jason's family and escaped to the white tent below to set up for that evening.

"Sorry. They're completely crazy," he mumbled.

"It's okay. They're really sweet, actually." A quiet happiness bubbled inside her at the unexpected turn this afternoon had taken.

"Well now that they've met you, they're going to be hounding me nonstop about you. Don't think for one second this is going to be your last Moore family meal."

She laughed. "I look forward to it."

Their eyes met as Jason smoothed the crease out from the tablecloth.

"Can I ask you something?" he finally said. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

"Anything," she said.

"Earlier when my father asked why you chose to stay here you said you wanted a place that made you feel safe." Aaliyah tensed at his words. "I know I said you could tell me when you were ready, and I still want that, but I just have to ask. Are you running from something?"

Aaliyah sighed, as if she'd known all along he was going to ask, but still had to steel herself to answer.

"Not something. Someone," she answered truthfully. "And I do want to tell you more about me, about everything, and I will, I promise. I just don't think this is the best place or time for me to tell you."

Jason nodded, but said nothing.

"But whatever this is, with us, it's not safe," she told him. "It might not be safe for you; that's why I hesitated before."

Gently, he brought his hands up and framed her face. He tilted her head up, bringing them eye to eye. "I don't care." He thumbed her cheek. More contact, every touch overwhelmed her. Her eyes brimmed with tears that began to fall now.


He hushed her and brushed away the tears. "You don't have to run anymore, Lia. You don't have to be afraid. You're safe here with me. I promise." He gripped her shoulders and skimmed down her arms, resting there only a moment before he caught her lips in a gentle kiss. 

SECOND CHANCES (ORIGINAL WORK)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora