Chapter 2

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Those three words sent a hundred teenagers running and yelling. I ran off on my own to explore a bit. I found a piece of metal from the drop ship which I started sharping against a rock. Once I was convinced it could do harm I walked over to Clarke and Wells.

"I'm not going to lie blondie." Clarke and Wells turned around to the voice. "No hello kind of hurts." Clarke seeing her old bestfriend runs over and wraps me in a hug. "I hate to break this up bu-" "Wells could you just let us say hello please I haven't seen Clarke in 3 years." I snapped.

Wells and I got along while we were young but after my mother was floated we just tolerated each other, we pretended like we liked each other because we both loved Clarke. He got on my nerves all the time but we went from disliking each other to hating each other when he brought up my mothers death and how it was my fault.

"It's good to see you Reyna." She started walking towards a map. "This is where we are, this is where we need to be." As I went to speak up Wells beat me. "Where'd you learn to do that." She glared at him and if looks could kill he'd be six feet under. "Your father." I didn't get the big deal about Jake but decided not to pry.

"This is Mount Weather, this is us." She said looking back at the map. "So they dropped us on the wrong mountain huh. The Ark never could do anything right." Both of them turned around and stared at me. Before things could go south she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"Oh cool a map, they got a bar in this town I'll buy you a beer." I snorted at Jasper's poor attempt at flirting but Wells didn't take to kindly to it. "Back off." He said pushing the goggle headed boys shoulders. Growing protective over my new friend I stepped in front of Wells with a hand to his chest. "Back down." "Relax he's with us" A new voice said from behind them. I looked at Jasper and judging by the look on his face, he was in fact not with them.

"Relax we're just trying to figure out where we are" Wells said trying to defuse the situation, when another voice jumped in. "We're on the ground that not good enough." "Yeah but they dropped us on the wrong part of it." The guard just stared at me like he wanted to cut my head off. "We need to find Mount Weather." Wells still trying to keep the situation at bay says. He makes on mistake though. "You heard my fathers message". "Screw your father, what you think your in charge here, you and your little princesses." She says nodding at Clarke and I.

"I mean I'd rather be known a princess then girl under the floor but whatever." I say staring down this brunette chick "What'd you just say to me." "Did you not hear me well enough I sa-" I'm cut off by Clarke grabbing my shoulders. "Do you think we care who's in charge here, we need to get to Mount Weather. Not because the Chancellor said so but because the longer we wait, the hungrier we'll get and the harder this will be. How long do you think we'll last without those supplies. We're looking at a 20 mile trek okay. So if we want to there before dark we need to leave now."

I hate to admit it but Clarkes good with words. People will listen to her. "I got a better idea, you three go, find it for us let the privileged do  the hard work for a change." I'm getting sick of this guard. I walk over so I'm about 6 feet away from him. "If you want food your going to get it for yourself.  I'm not bringing it back for all of you, I'm no ones damn servant."

"That's exactly what a privileged person would say"

"Then why don't you go and bring it back for us"

"We all need to go." Wells exclaims trying to stop the argument between Bellamy and I. "Look at this everybody, the Chancellor of earth." The guy from earlier jokes. I know him I met him when we were on the Ark. I punched him in the face because he was pissing me off. John Murphey.

"You think this is funny." Wells ask, as soon as he finishes Murphey kicks his leg out from under him. "No but that was." As much as I hate Wells I hate dirty fighters more.

"Hey John." As he turns around I punch him in the nose you want to beat a dirty fighter. You got to fight dirty. "Now that was hilarious." "You bitch." He gets in a fighting stance as I do too, just when he's about to throw a punch Finn does a swan dive off the dropship.

"Kids got one leg, she could beat you while she slept. Why don't you wait till it's a fair fight." Finn says being the savior of us all. "Hey spacewalker." We all turn around to face the brunette girl. "Rescue me next" I roll my eyes at the bad flirting as I'm walking back to Clarke I hear. "He's a criminal." "Down here we're all criminals, jackass." I say to the older man with a smirk. He glared at me before walking away.

Finn clapped his hand "So Mount Weather, when do we leave." He asked Clarke who was still looking at her map.

"Right now" She replied back. "How are the two of you going to carry enough food for a hundred." Wells ask as he sets himself down on the dropship's ramp.

"Three of us, I'm coming to." Clarke and Finn smile at me as Wells glares. " Did you really think I was going to staying here with Bellamy and Murphy. "The thought never crossed my mind." Finn replied putting an arm around my shoulder. Finn looked around for more people and grabbed my two skinny boys from the dropship. 

"Five of us, can we go now." He was again.

"Sound like a party, make it six." Octavia said while smiling. "Hey, where they hell do you think your going." The older Blake asked. "For a walk." I replied for her making her smirk at me. But Bellamy just glared at me until he turned to Octavia who gave him a childish smile.

Clarke grabbed Finn's wrist "Were you trying to take this off." She asked him. "Yeah so?" Finn asked her as I stared at them. "So this wristband transmits your vital sings to the Ark. Take it off, and they'll think you're dead"

"Should I care?"

"I don't know do you want the people you love to think you're dead. Do you want them to follow you down here? Because they won't if they think we're dying." She exclaimed as I smacked Finn in the back of the head. 

"Okay" He mumbles rubbing the back of his head where I hit him. Now lets go Clarke huffed. She started walking but didn't get far before Wells grabbed her wrist. "Clarke I don't want you to go with her." he said glancing at me.

I scoffed, "Is that supposed to hurt my feeling Wells." I asked him pretending to be hurt by hitting my chest. "She's my friend Wells, I trust her." Clarke says defending me.

"She's a murd-" I cut him off not wanting to see where this goes.

"I'm not the only murderer here, and even if I were it doesn't matter. We were thrown down here to die but we didn't. So let's enjoy our freedom while we still can." I paused and walked closer to him and whispered in his ear. "If anyone's a murderer. It's your daddy."

I turned around and grabbed Finns arm "Lets get this over with." I start walking with Finn ignoring the stares from Bellamy and Murphey. 

Nightblood From the SkyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora