x~_4397 Miles_~x

19 1 0

~Narrator Point Of View~


Dream started booting up his computer, he decided he wanted to talk to George today. He sat at his desk staring at the black screen, smiling a bit at his reflection as it slowly started to light up, covering his face is a layer of silky, white light. He logged on to see a new message from Geroge, he smiled even wider as he read it. 'Hey Dream! Just finished my stream, call me if you can! :)' Dream loved the way George texted, that wasn't a very good example, but his texts were always amazing. He could just imagine George saying it to him, right to his face. He loved the way George used emoticons and not emojis, the way they were never long, the way they seemed as if George was in the room with him. How much Dream wished he could see George in person. His gorgeous smile, fluffy hair, and the way small things make him smile. He just wished they lived closer, that way he could see that smile, see the fluff, and hear the sounds of excitement all in person, not behind a screen. After about 5 minutes of thinking, Dream finally decided it was time, he would call George.





"Hello! I was waiting for you to finally call me!" George's discord Icon illuminated with a ring of green, signifying he was speaking. Even though he couldn't see George, he was still happy to hear him. "It was literally 5 minutes!" Dream wheezed a little. You see, George Loved to be over dramatic, he treated it as if it was something he founded. Dream loved that about George, another thing to add to the already too long list, but he usually did it too much. Making it sometimes annoying, and other times really cute. "So, How are you Dream?" George asked, bringing Dream out of his small trance. "Oh! I've been great actually. Been thinking a lot." He wasn't lying. He was thinking a lot, thinking a lot about George. "Thinking about what?" George asked, beginning to gain curiosity. "O-oh, uhmm you know. Y-youtube stuff! Been talking to Tommy about the algorithm a lot more." Dream once again wasn't lying, he has been talking to Tommy quite a bit too. "Ah, I see! Well Dream.. I had a surprise for you! I was gonna wait a bit, but now seems like the perfect time!" Dream could hear the smile in his voice, so this surprise must be amazing. "Oh? What is it George?" Dream questioned, filled to the brim with anticipation. "I got you a plane Ticket down to The UK!" George sent some screenshots and a link, proving the ticket to be 100% real. The smile that was on Dreams face definitely grew wider as he read over the site at least 3 times. "Oh My God! George thank you so much! I can't wait!" George giggled a little, "No problem Dream. I can't wait to see you"

The call went on for about 35 more minutes after that. It mainly consisted of George telling Dream what to pack, what The weather would be like, and who all they'd meet up with. After all, Dream was staying with George for about two whole weeks. The plan was simple. George would get a ride down to the air port to pick up Dream, they'd Taxi back to George's place to let Dream unpack, and then they'd probably rest for the day. 

As they both hung up, Dream lay back in his chair again, smile slowly fading. He wished he could stay on the call with George all until tomorrow afternoon, when he had to board the plane. But he knew at least George had to sleep. Dream didn't care much if he slept, he was more focused on seeing George in person. Just thinking of it made his blush a little. After a bit of thinking, he sat up and began to power off his computer, didn't want to hurt his eyes. He didn't want to admit it, but he was in fact tired. He knew sleeping now would probably be for the best. Some lady could board the plane with her whiny child, preventing anyone from having a decent nights rest. He sighed, slowly standing up, as to not break anything, and walked over to his bed. Face planting onto it with a soft thud. These next two weeks are gonna be the best days of Dreams life. 

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