Broken no more: chapter 10

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It took Nathalie a couple days to crack the codes but she finally did it 

(here are some of the codes Nathalie had to crack sorry if it seems to easy I tried my best to think of some) 

 Code 1: Its in earths ground and I  grow when it rains around 

Code 2: you can find me at the sea they collect me and put on a shelf to see

(And Im done writing codes there more impossible to write codes then for mother gothel to have actual love for a child)

and it took gabriel a couple days to find these items  but in the end  everything was worth it he could finally fix the jewel that had cursed his family 

Gabriel: Nathalie are you ready? 

Nathalie: im ready as ill ever be 

Gabriel brought all the supplise up to his lair that he needed 

Gabriel: finally its perfect 

Gabriel: finally its perfect 

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Nooroo: Master did you.......did you fix it?

Gabriel: Yes I did  now Nathalie can finally use it without ever getting sick!

Nooroo: go show Nathalie 

Gabriel: I was going to now lets go 

Gabriel went down the elevator and towards him and Nathalies bedroom 

Nathalie: Did you really do it? 

Gabriel: Yes I did

Nathalie: I would jump out of bed and hug you if I could but I can't 

Gabriel: I will help you with that *runs up and hugs her* 

Nathalie: can I transform into Mayura now

Gabriel: no 

Nathalie: why Its fixed so I won't get harmed by it anymore 

Gabriel: I know but your still recovering and I don't want you to use it anymore 

Nathalie: but what if your backed up against a wall and the hero's are about to get your miraculous I won't be able to save you! 

Gabriel: when im out in public I will just go as hawkmoth not shadowmoth 

Nathalie: can I at least use it so I can talk to Duusu when your not transformed

Gabriel: of coarse you can

and I didnt know how to end the chapter again im soooo sorrry and I am thinking that next chapter is going to be the final chapter and I am going to say this here and now I AM SUPER DUPER SORRY FOR ALL THE DISNEY REFRENCES MY MIND JUST KEPT TELLING ME TO PUT THEM THERE and I will update the final chapter after Cassandratopia is updated 

In the endNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ