"Pocket Knife" Pt. 2

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/-Tommy POV-\

My eyes shot to Techno, I whimpered. I knew Techno was a protective person.. I knew deep down they were about to fight. I used my arm and shakily threw myself to my feet.

Wilbur gasped in horror behind me, as I stumbled to the staircase. I ran down the steps, my hands stung harshly as I made my way to the kitchen.

"...so stop hurting Tommy." I heard Techno say sternly.

I growl escaped the air, as Phil crossed his arms.

"No. Tommy needs to man up. I mean COME ON!" Phil hissed, "When I was his age, I was so productive! Even you are better than him. Wilbur is a smart kid and so are you my son. Tommy is just a stupid kid." Phil finished.

Techno stood there dumbfounded when I turned the corner. His eyes full of anger, his eyes screamed in hatred.

"He is just a kid Phil!!" Techno said loudly, trying to get to his fathers head, "He can't just "MAN" up!" He yelled.

I grabbed the wall, helping my now pulsing headache. Phil snarled, and his hand threw back. Ready to hit Technoblade.

I gasped, and threw myself forward. Shielding Techno with my frail body. I felt my ribs collapse as a fist collided into my stomach. I wheezed harshly, my vision went black. I stood up anyway.

I heard Techno gasp, Wilbur whimpered terrified in the background. I heard a deep gasp from Phil.. I felt a liquid drip out of my mouth, I wheezed. The hot oozing liquid splattered out of my throat.

"D-Dad..?" I looked around, my vision still black.

I heard stammering and soft footsteps as someone stepped backwards.

"Y-yes..?" Phil whispered.

"I... I'm sorry.. I know I might not be perfect.. I just want to let you know, that I truly am sorry for not being the son you wanted.." I felt my eyes sting as water flooded my cheeks, "I am not a man.. I am a coward.. I foolish coward.. I promised you I would get 90%... But I kept getting 80% or lower.." I kept going, my wheezing getting louder from talking to much. "I'm so dumb.. I know I am not as talented as Wilbur.. Or as smart as Techno.. Just please.. Someone... Someone love me.."

I felt my body sink into a cold hopelessness. I lied on the floor, my body in so much pain and agony. I didn't even know what to do with myself.

I wheezed harshly, more warm liquid shooting out onto the cold kitchen floor.


I felt nothing.

My body seemingly floated, I felt my body shut down.. I slipped into a deep "coma."

/-Third Person-\

It had been three long months. Tommy was silent in the hospital bed. Family sat around the blonde boy, wishing silently for the boy to wake up. Everyone silently praying that one day Tommy would magically open his eyes. One night.. The prayers were finally answered.

/-Tommy's POV-\

My body started to gain its feeling. My body winced, and I felt cloth over my eyes.

The smell of somber essence, and a light smell of Fruit, told me that Techno was near him. I smiled, taking in the other smells around him.

He smelled a soft vanilla smell, he knew that was from Wilbur. I smiled wider, and kept trying to sniff out anything else.

A smell of ember and a soft smell of autumn leaves?

'That was odd..' I thought, 'I've never smelt someone like that..'

I smelled again, and there it was. That ember smell again! I was definitely going crazy.

'Who even was that?' I thought full of confusion.

I blinked, my eyes were fully opened.. I still couldn't see. I started to shiver, terrified.

'Am I blind..?!' I thought wildly, 'Will I never get to see my family again..?!'

My breathing hitched as I tried sitting up. I heard a soft gasp and footsteps next to the bed.

"T-Tommy..!" I heard Wilbur's sweet voice echo through my ears.

"W...." My voice was SUPER raspy and deep. Which scared me, but I continued, "W-Wilbur..?" I said softly.

"TOMMY!" Techno said loudly, his feet echoed loudly against the floor.

"Hey... P-....*Wheeze* Potato Lord.." I wheezed harshly, coughing, "H-How have you b-.... been..?" My voice let out, but I smiled anyway.

I heard soft footsteps to my left, I turned and looked in that general direction.

I sniffed the air.. That ember scent stuck to my nose. The smell of Autumn hit me in the face.

"W...Who is that?" I tilted my head.

It went silent..

"H-Hello..?!" I propped up, but someone held onto my shoulder.

"Calm down! It's ok!" Techno said quickly.

I relaxed and lied down again, my nose sniffed the air.

"It's me.. Kiddo.." The sound of my fathers voice echoed in my ears.

I sat up quickly, and put up my hands. Trying to find my dad.

"D-Dad..?!" I smiled and wheezing and bouncing in excitement.

I could tell Phil was in shock.. After everything that he did to me.. All the pain that was thrown at me. The screams of anger. The snarling and hissing at him from across the table.

It was still my dad.. I loved him. More than anything in the world. He was the only parent in my life.. I wanted his love.. For so long, I never got it. The only thing that I got was hatred.

I still had my arms extended, my arms empty.. Filled with nothing but empty space. I looked around, even if I couldn't see.. My smile started to slowly fade, my arms started to fall to my sides.

"...." I sat back down, my head low and sad, "O-Ok..." I murmured softly.

I felt tears sting my eyes, when suddenly arms flung around me. It smelled of Autumn leaves. My eyes went wide under the blindfold. My mouth held an "O" shape until it started to go into a large smile. I bounced, my hands flung around the figure.

"Dad!" I giggled, my smile wide.

"..." Silence rung out. It was far to loud.

"D-Dad..?" I murmured, my hands rubbed the figures back.

"Y-Yes s...son..?" He stammered, I felt tears soak into my shirt.

The mention of the word "son" made my heart leap in excitement.

"DAD!" I hugged him tighter, letting my body collapse into the sweet embrace.

"Why..?" Phil asked in my ear.

"Huh..?" I murmured.

"Why do you still love me..?" He said close to tears.

I blinked in shock at my fathers words.. I smiled into his shoulder.

"You're my dad.. Loving you is all I know how to do.." I hugged him tighter.

Phil sobbed into my shoulder, the sweet hug let my mind rest easy as I let sleep take over my soul..

46 reads... 😱
I... I'm gonna be honest. I cried while I was taking a shower scrolling through my phone. I saw that. I nearly fainted from happiness.

I know to others it's not a lot.. But! Each and every read and comment makes me so happy!! Thank you thank you thank you!!! 🥰

✨Words: -/(1200)\- ✨

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