"Pocket Knife" Pt. 1

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(Dad: Phil)
(Siblings of Tommy: Technoblade and Wilbur)
(Oldest: Technoblade)
(Middle: Wilbur)
(Youngest: Tommy)

Intrusive thoughts
Gore elements
And other wacky and sad stuff.. 😩

-Tommy POV-

I sat awake in my bed, instead of a warm comfort.. I felt an odd and disheartening coldness. It made me shutter, holding my bedsheets close. I hadn't eaten in a while now. I'm pretty sure it was starting to catch on to me. I heaved a sigh and sat up.

I went to my closet and threw on sweats and a sweatshirt. I started to get thin and I knew Wilbur would take notice to it.. Not like they cared.. But, I had to hide it with the best of my ability.

I opened my door softly, my feet making little to no noise on the staircase. I was met with a brunette boy with a beanie. His curly hair loose in front of his eyes, he looked down at his guitar on the couch.

Techno sat in the kitchen, his pink hair short and above his shoulders. He was purely focused on a book that lie on the table. A laptop open next to him as well.

I weaved my way through the people, grabbing a bottle of water. I knew I would regret coming down stairs after a hearing a brothers voice.

"Hey Toms!" Wilbur got up to greet me at the fridge.

I simply nodded in response and smiled a little bit. My heart truly wouldn't allow me to crack a grin. Even if I showed a smile.

"Hey Tommy." Techno's monotone voice echoed smoothly across the kitchen.

"Hi.. I gotta go.. Nice seeing you.." I murmured, making a dash for my room. But someone stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Aye wait." Phil held on to my wrist.

"W-What.." I stammered at the sudden touch.

"You did your work right?" Phil said sternly.

"N-not yet.. I was just about t-" Before I could say anything I heard a ear bleeding scream from Phil.

"WELL DO IT THEN." Phil snapped, "If they aren't 90% or above I will be disappointed."

Wilbur and Technoblade's eyes shot up to meet the scene in front of them.

I sat dumbfounded, seeing Phil's kind eyes turn evil and angry in a matter of seconds.

"M-mhm.. Sorry Dad.." I mumbled softly.

"SORRY ISN'T ENOUGH TOMMY." Phil took a step forward, and threw his arm to put an arm on my shoulder..

I didn't know that..

I flinched hard, throwing my arms above my head, crouching into a ball. I whimpered stumbling backward, making a dash towards my room.

I closed and locked my door, dashing to my closet. I went in and closed the door, sitting in a corner. Rocking back and forth, trying to calm my nerves..

After about half an hour, I got up from the cold floor and opened the door. I went to my homework bag and got out the math homework assigned.

-Third Person-

Tommy had woke up earlier than usual that day, he took that time to his advantage and packed his stuff early. So, he would not be yelled at by his dad.

He never wanted that to happen. He wanted to be a good son.. He thought that he was a let down. A mistake. A terrible person.

Tommy had found a pocket knife on his way to the park, he placed it in his bag and went to school.

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