˗ˋ 02

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-: the beginnings :-


. . .

You could usually hear her coming before you saw her - not that there would be much time between the two. With a shock of white-blonde hair that instantly stood against the dark of the witches and wizards she passed, bracelets around her wrists and chains skimming her waist glittering together in a joyful premonition, almost as if she had her own theme song to announce her arrive before she was even in sight.

Which was how the argument between Mrs Weasley and her two twin sons were interrupted. The woman had found out rather quickly that Fred and George had left the school, with the announcement of their business and the new premises where the first shop would be set - 93 Diagon Alley. 

In a pause between the Weasley woman's shouts, the faintest sound of tinkling could be heard, and one of the twins who were still currently painting the door frame a bright orange whilst his mother berated them and looked around, eyes following a bobbing head of blonde hair.

Mrs Weasley turned to him, having seen the paint brush stop and wanting to take the opportunity to pull him further in and actually have him listen to her, but saw his gaze fixated elsewhere, and Molly followed his eyeline.

"Rhea Lovegood?" The woman exclaimed before she could stop herself, the girl with so blonde hair that it was almost white stopping in her tracks and turning towards the sound of Mrs Weasley's voice, blue eyes wandering around the scene in front of her; a mostly purple shop with chipping red paint that was being coloured orange, the open windows and doors and the entire inside of the shop covered in beige dust sheets.

"Oh hello Mrs Weasley." The girl's voice was dreamy, almost as if she had been in a deep sleep as she walked the streets. "How are the gnomes in your garden? I heard that around this time of year it is particularily lucky for one to be bitten - really increases creativity."

The Weasley twins glanced at each other, gaze drifting back to their mother as she reacted. "Er - well - I'm waiting for Ron to get back to have a proper de-gnoming of the garden."

"Oh, the summer is even better." Rhea continued, and the twins continued to take in the sight. A head of snow-blonde hair, long and wavy but seemed so incredibly soft, a good few strands pulled back by what seemed to be a clip with a strange-looking plant decorating it. 

In her ears, a pair of rather long chain earrings which passed through her ear lobe, a crescent moon and star hanging from the back chain and saturn hanging on the slightly shorter front chain. Around her neck hung a silver chain, adorned with an alternating pattern of what seemed be radishes and dirigible plums and up and down her arms were a variety of bangles and bracelets, hands covered in scars and rings.

She was wearing a beige dress with many layers and ruffles on the torso and arms, cut off by a brown leather corset belt tied tightly around her waist, and the skirt of the dress fell in pretty folds.On her feet were small heels, of a similar brown leather to the belt. It was hardly into spring, yet she had bare legs, long, winding straps from the shoes twisting up her legs and tying in a bow.

But her somewhat extravagant outfit seemed only to be a part of her entire look, and the twins found themselves landing on her face first, eyes widening as they settled there. Brown eyeliner smudged around the outer corner of her eyes, and in the inner corner what seemed to be tiny glitter stars, winking in the sunlight. Freckles dotted her pale skin, and she had the oddly dazed look in her eyes.

The twins watched as the blue slid over onto them, a thoughtful expression appearing on her face. "I know you." Rhea said, and their eyes widened once more, Mrs Weasley whirling round to look at them.

"Us?" Fred glanced at George, finger pointing between the two. "You know us?" Neither of them had never seen this girl before in their entire lives - perhaps other than one strange Lovegood function they were forced to go to with their mother and father.

"Yes.. you're the ones who tried to get past the age line with a potion." George choked on his saliva, the girl seeming to genuinely have no idea just how much trouble her words would cause, still looking dreamily around. "You turned into little old men - I didn't know you would be setting up a shop here..." 

But it seemed something caught her eye, because she hurried off in the direction she was going, saying something about some strange creatures. The twins stared after her until she turned the corner, before slowly turning back to their mother.

This was not going to end well.

this is the dress i'm
referencing btw
if you know where it's from
i actually love you

a/nthis is the dress i'mreferencing btwif you know where it's fromi actually love you

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𝘀𝗺𝗲𝗲, george weasleyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora