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Izuku was looking for some "fun" and he came across the number 5 pro hero Miruko fighting a blonde girl with a knife.

Izuku thinking: It seems I hit the jackpot.

Izuku went over to them and beat Miruko.

He then turned to look at the blonde and said "You're welcome." And began to walk off.

The girl shouted "HEY!! WHO ARE YOU?!"

Izuku just said "Call me Garou, the hero hunter." And walked away.

Three days later he stumbled upon the hero Sir Nighteye and beat the hell out of him.

Little did he know, he was being watched by a certain blonde.

After seven months worth of beating heroes to a bloody pulp, he caught the attention of the number one pro hero All Might.

Izuku was in his shed with Eri doing her hair like a good parent.

Izuku thinking: Should I take her to the heroes? She shouldn't look up to someone like me...

Eri: Papa, are you done yet?

Izuku finished and said "Yes, do you like it?" Eri then got on his back and looked in the mirror and said "It's so pretty! Thanks Papa!" Izuku replied "Anything for you snowball."

Then he heard a knock on the door and he answered it with Eri on his shoulders

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Then he heard a knock on the door and he answered it with Eri on his shoulders.

Izuku: What?!

Blonde: Hi, I wanted to thank you properly for helping me awhile ago.

Izuku: What is your name?

Toga: Himiko Toga, also who is the girl?

Izuku: Her name is Eri, now what is it?

Toga: I really like you and I was wondering if you would give me a chance and go out with me?

Izuku thought for a moment and said "Only if Eri agrees."

Eri: I don't mind Papa.

Izuku then let Eri down and said "Stay here Eri, I'm going out with Himiko.

Izuku then left with Toga and Toga lead Izuku to a bar, not any bar bit Shigaraki's bar.

Toga: Garou, this is Tomura Shigaraki... My boss.

Shiggy: Hello Hero Hunter... It's a pleasure to meet you.

Izuku: You brought me here to join your little All Might hate club, didn't you?

Toga: He told me to bring you, but I really do like you.

Izuku: Fine, I'll join... But one condition.

Shiggy: What is it?

Izuku: You get me a place to stay with a dojo for training that me and my daughter can stay in.

Shiggy: It will be done.

Izuku then walked back to the shed by himself, but was followed by some heroes that knew who he was.

Once Izuku was inside heroes made their presence known and he walked out and told them that a kid was inside the shed, they didn't believe him.

He then engaged in combat with them, after a good fight the one with a gatlin gun fired at him and he was in front of the shed so he used fist of flowing water crushing rock to redirect every bullet so that they didn't hit Eri, the hero then came at Izuku with a knife and Izuku knocked him out in one blow.

Izuku then got Eri and took her to the bar and told the League of villains what happened.

They then put Eri to bed and Izuku walked back out to the bar and said "Damn heroes... They didn't even believe me when I warned them about Eri being inside... DAMN IT!!! DAMN IT!!! DAMN IT!!! HOW DARE THEY CALL THEMSELVES HEROES?!"

Toga calmed him down and the went to sleep in the same bed.

IZUKU MIDORIYA: THE HUMAN MONSTERWhere stories live. Discover now