Emotionless (Tom Holland)

Start from the beginning

"I get why you're annoyed, but he was just trying to keep the park clean." I shrugged. Tom looked at me.

"So was I, Y/N. I had no intention of leaving Tessa's shit there. If he'd have spared two precious seconds to listen to me, he would have known that." he nodded.

"I don't think that it's that big of a deal, Tommy." I sighed. His eyes widened slightly at me.

"Fucks' sake, yeah, take his side, why don't you?" he scoffed. My eyes widened.

"Tom, I'm not taking anyone's side, I'm just saying that it's not worth being in a bad mood about." I shook my head.

"At least I'm capable of being in a bad mood, instead of just standing there like an emotionless mannequin." he spat as he gestured to me with his hand. My eyes squinted at him.

"Okay, and what's that supposed to mean?" I questioned.

"You know exactly what it means, Y/N. It means that you're fucking incapable of showing any type of love, hate, anything towards me." he spat. I gulped, my heart starting to speed up.

"Tom, that's not fair-."

"No, what isn't fucking fair is the fact that I never know where I stand with you. You barely tell me that you love me, you barely touch me unless we're having sex. Even in fights, you look like you couldn't give less of a shit about the fact that we're arguing and are upset. For all I know, you could be thinking "fucking thank god, maybe this fight will make him give up" and you'll get rid of me. I never fucking know because you never show emotion." he snapped.

"You know why I don't show emotion, Tom. You know why I can't show you affection. Stop acting like it's only you who I do this to. You're not fucking special in that I don't show affection towards you." I shook my head.

"No, I'm not fucking special at all, and I doubt that I ever will be in your eyes." he nodded. I choked, my eyes wavering. I couldn't put my finger on why, but that comment in particular was like a stab to my heart. I loved Tom to the ends of the Earth, I was sure within months of us dating that he was the one that I was meant to be with. And so for him to suggest that I didn't love him enough for him to be special to me, that hurt. A tear rolled down my face, making Tom's eyes widen as I looked down.

"Oh, shit...Y/N, darling, fuck, I'm sorry." he gulped as he rushed to me and gently took my hand into his.

"Don't." I scoffed and shook my head, ripping my hand out of Tom's grip as another tear rolled down my face. He looked at me with heartbroken eyes, the expression on his face screaming that he knew that he'd fucked up.

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that-."

"Of course you did, Tom. And that's fine." I nodded as I looked up at him. He choked, a tear leaving his eye as I swallowed thickly. I grabbed my bag, making his eyes widen as I left the kitchen.

"Y/N, babe, please!" Tom called after me, but I ignored him as I rushed out of his apartment.

Tom's P.O.V

It had been a week since Y/N had walked out on Tom, and he hadn't stopped thinking about her since. Tom knew that he'd fucked up badly, and he knew by the fact that he'd made Y/N cry. They'd been together for six months, and he'd never seen her cry. Even their worst fights hadn't resulted in the beautiful girl showing emotion, and Tom knew that he had to make it right with Y/N over this one. He sniffed, his eyes still red and puffy from crying as he got up his text conversation with Y/N. He had texted her immediately after she had left, begging for her forgiveness, and she had only responded saying that she needed space. Tom was hoping that a week would be enough. He gulped, his heart in his throat as he quickly typed out a message to Y/N before pressing send.

Tom: I know that I fucked up, but I want to fix this...please can I come over today to talk? X

Y/N: Yeah. Okay x

Tom's eyes widened and he breathed a sigh of relief as he got the response that he wanted. He grabbed his jacket and his keys, his heart pounding in his chest as he left to go try and save his relationship.

Y/N's P.O.V

I bit my lip, my foot anxiously tapping against the floor as I waited for Tom to arrive. As if on cue, the doorbell rang. I took a deep breath before standing up to answer it. I opened the door, Tom looking at me timidly as he stood there.

"Hey, darling." he gave me a small smile. I gulped, my heart pounding as I stood to the side and let him in. He sighed as he wandered in, his eyes glancing around my apartment like they always did as I shut the door. He sat down on the sofa and looked up at me as I sat next to him.

"Right away, darling, I just want to say how sorry I am. I know that I fucked up, and I was way out of line having a go at you like that." he choked. I sighed and looked at him as he took my hands into his.

"Tommy, you know that I struggle to show emotion and to be affectionate. You know that I feel weak when I'm emotional. So, why the fuck would you hit at me for that?" I scoffed and shook my head.

"I know, sweetheart, I know. I don't know what happened in that moment. All I know that was I was so fucking angry, but it was so wrong for me to take that out on you." he spoke. I bit my lip at him.

"I just...outbursts like that one make me worry that you're lying to me about being okay with my lack of emotion. It makes me worried that you actually hate that about me." I admitted. Tom sighed and moved closer to me as he cupped my cheek.

"Baby, I don't hate anything about you. And, look. You know that during fights, I would appreciate you showing some emotion, but I also know that you're not comfortable doing that. I love you, Y/N, so the fact that you don't like showing emotion will never outweigh my love for you." he promised as he looked into my eyes. I bit my lip as I stared right back into his beautiful chocolate ones.

"That means a lot to me, Tommy." I admitted quietly. He gave me a small smile and nodded.

"So, are we good, darling? Because I'm so sorry about what I said." he spoke.

"Yeah, Tommy. We're good." I reassured. He sighed in relief before leaving in and kissing me. I returned the kiss, my eyes fluttering shut as I held his face. I broke the kiss and touched our foreheads, Tom's fingers gently stroking my cheek as we looked at each other.

"I love you, sweetheart. So much." he mumbled and shook his head.

"Ditto." I smiled, making him laugh before leaning in and kissing me again.

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