The next time she called, she got herself caught up in a werewolf hunt. Of course she needed help. When we go there she hit the water-works and clung onto Dean.

I got close to her face, turning her to look at me instead of Dean. "Focus! Stop being so damn emotional. Where is the guy? Is he alone?" I snapped.

Here she supposedly wants to be a hunter, but can't handle a werewolf without breaking down, and cries over a couple tiny scratches.

Sam's jaw fell open at my firmness with her.

Dean glared, "Liv! Relax! She's scared." He defended her.

"Then maybe she shouldn't try to hunt monsters!" I yelled.

"Take a walk!" He tried to order me.

I laughed, he is such a jackass. "Screw you, Dean. I'll go after the big scary werewolf for her and kill it, then it'll all be fine." So then I took off, following footprints and claw marks.

I was off on my own for a little while, following the trail of footsteps that lead from where Jo saw him. I found a house. I crept up to it and saw the guy inside was still turned. I slowly approached and cocked my gun before kicking in the door.

He swatted my arm, cutting me before I could get lined up. I growled at the pain, and then pulled the trigger twice; hitting him in the chest both times. He dropped.

As I was cleaning up the bit of my blood from the floor my phone rang. It was Sam. "Hey Sam." I answered, realizing I was done and could go find something to bandage myself with.

"Hey, where are you?"

"I found him, and it's handled. Tell the princess the big scary monster is dead."

He chuckled, but then sighed. "Liv, come on, play nice. Just tell me where you are. I can come get you now."

I gave him the address and then put the gauze I found onto my arm.

The scratches weren't too deep as to need stitches, but would take a while to heal. As I was double checking that I was cleared out of the house I heard Sam pull up.

He met me on the porch, eyeing my arm. I held up my other hand, "It's fine, Sam.

He looked sad and concerned but nodded. "Alright, if you say so. Uh, Dean wants us to grab food on our way back. So, let's get going."

"Wouldn't want to interrupt his time with the princess." I grumbled quietly as we got in the car.

"Alright, Liv, what is it? Why are you so mean about Jo?" Sam asked as we started driving.

I sighed, "I can't handle her little princess act, the poor scared girl 'who wants to be a hunter'. She just... rubs me the wrong way is all."

He cleared his throat and nodded slightly, "Right. She does that, as you call it, princess act around Dean. Has since we met her." He said calmly.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "Well, it irritates me, and it messes with our lives and our hunts."

Once we got back Dean went from excited about his burger to dropping it on the table when he saw my arm. He grabbed it gently, "What happened, sweetheart?"

I pulled it away, "It's nothing. I'm fine, let's eat so we can get the hell out of here."

"Hey, don't shut me out, Liv. You're hurt and I'm worried." He argued.

"Well don't be. I can handle it myself." And I moved away to eat my food away from him.

We did things like that for her about a dozen different times before today.

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