"Now that you mentioned it, Grandpa used to be a Hokage too, but Dad says that when he was a kid, Grandpa Hokage wasn't even in this world anymore! That means Dad grew up not knowing a thing about this "enjoyable" father-son situation, didn't he?! Dad is the only one who doesn't know what this is like! If he was going to be like this, then it would've been better if he was never here from the beginning…"

Despite his screw up with the cake, he did sent another clone to apologize, but then his son's words halted him in his track. Through the clone, he saw how Hinata tried to defend him against his son's anger, how Himawari gave a sad look at the ruined birthday cake as Hinata hugged her, he saw how he hurt his family before he quietly dispelled the clone without anyone aware. He been longing for a family and when he finally experienced a family, his own family, his flesh and blood, and what did he do? He hurt them.

He apologized to Himawari and Hinata in person afterwards, brought his daughter a gift for her birthday. Although both his beloved girls dismissed the apology and assured him that they understood his work, he can practically saw the hurt in their eyes. Boruto didn't speak to him and avoiding him until the Chunin Exam which he scolded his son for cheating.

Naruto heard Himawari asked quietly to Hinata what's wrong with him which she then ushered her children to clean up the dishes and go home to let him rest. A sound of opening and closing door were heard before he felt Hinata stood beside his bed.

"Naruto-kun, I will leave the porridge here, okay? Just let the nurse to warm it up if you want to eat."


A moment of silence passed before Hinata spoke again.


He opened his eyes to see Hinata looked at him worriedly, "Is something wrong? Do you want me to get the nurse?"

The blond Hokage went silence for a moment in hesitation before he replied with a small smile, "It's fine. Just a headache, I will just sleep it off."

"Are you sure? A medicine would help you sleep better. I can call the nurse-"

"It's fine!"

Hinata blinked at Naruto sudden outburst. "Naruto-kun?"

"I... I am sorry. I feel tired. Sorry, Hinata... Tell the kids sorry from me about the lunch."

Naruto quickly turned on the bed with his back towards her, he pull blanket up to his shoulder. He felt Hinata sat on the edge of the bed, her hand gently combed his hair.

"Something is bothering you."

It wasn't a statement.

"It's not important."

"What's wrong? Maybe I can help."

He swallowed as he closed his eyes tightly, "My head hurts, sorry 'ttebayo. I am going to sleep now."

He heard his wife sighed before she stood up from the bed.

"Sleep well. I love you."

He then felt a kiss on his head and a sound of closed door. Naruto opened his eyes as he stared at the wall beside him.

"Sleep well. I love you."

I love you. Hinata uttered those words to him so easily.

His vision suddenly blurred as warm tears fell on his face.

Hinata loved him, but after what he did to her, to their family, was he still deserved her love?

Boruto The Next Generation: Aftermath Where stories live. Discover now