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"So you can handle things here?" I asked Asia after explaining Colson's plan to her.

She nodded, "Of course! You need a break so you need to take care of your mental health. You know I got you, and I'll call if I need help."

"And I'll come by everyday" Colson said, making me more comfortable.

"But, Zi, why wait so long to tell us something like this? That man is emotionally and mentally abusing you! You need to divorce him"

"I told her that" Colson said, shaking his head

I sighed sadly and looked my friend in the face, "I'm not strong enough for that yet. The long, upsetting journey that divorce is... And the confusion from both our families alike. I'm not ready for all of that"

"We understand Zi, we're just worried about you" She said with a sympathetic smile

"Sounds like you need two weeks off" Colson muttered

"That's a great idea. Take as long of break you need" Asia agreed

I shook my head, "Two weeks is too long, and I don't want Asia being overworked"

"You forget I handled the company for a month last year when you had to fly back home to be with your family" She reminded

I twisted my lips, she is really good at handling everything. And I can definitely trust her- and even if she tried something I could sue her so fast that her head would spin.

"Okay Asia, two weeks. I trust you"

She smiled brightly and hugged me

"And I'll still be keeping an eye on everything Zi, so don't worry" Colson said with a kiss on my forehead

Now all I needed was an excuse in case James ever showed up at my job.

"Y'all, what do I do is James ever just shows up here?" I asked

"If he shows up, I'll call you and come up with some sort of excuse" Asia said, "Colson you don't live far from here, do you?"

"Nope" Colson answered, "If she needs to make a quick trip back here, it won't take long."

"I think this week you should go with the original plan, but next week tell James you're going on a work trip so you don't have to go home to him" Asia nearly yelled with an excited smile.

Colson smirked devilishly

"You wanna stay with me?" He whispered in my ear.

It sent shivers down my spine

"Yes, definitely" I agreed

"Then it's settled. Asia can you start today?"

She nodded with a shrug

"Great, tell the staff that Zianna is busy with another project but could be popping in every once in a while. We're about to go to her house so we can grab some stuff she may need"

"But I'm not staying over until next week" I said confused

"Yeah, right now we're grabbing small things- like your favorite throw blanket and house shoes so you can relax"

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