Vol. 2.27 | Baby?

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Harry walks out of the room, descending down the stairs and into the kitchen. Could what Harry said be true? I'm pregnant? After a short while, he comes back, holding a cup of tea in his hand.
"Here you go," He hands it over to me, and i drink the sweet beverage.

"Look, i'm just gonna buy a pregnancy test, okay? It'll only take a second. Be right back," Harry says, and i see him instantly apparate away before my eyes. The feeling in my stomach seems to ease away, being taken over by the warmth of the tea.

After some time, Harry comes back, holding a box of pregnancy test. He walks over to me, and hands it over, "Here you go.." He says, as he takes my hand to help me stand, "I'll help you up." He wraps my arm around his shoulder, and walks me to the bathroom. "Easy.. Easy.." He says as he helps me sit down on the toilet. "I'll wait outside."

He closes the door behind him, and i do what has to be done for the pregnancy test. To be honest, i'm a bit nervous to see the results. What if it says negative and Harry gets upset? When i finally build up courage, i pick up the test, and take a peak.


I'm going to be a mother.

A big grin creeps up on my face, as my jaw drops. I put my hand over my mouth in shock, and jolt up immediately, opening the door in excitement. Harry, who was waiting on the other side of the door, looks up at me. "Harry.." He clutches my shoulders and asks, "What? What does it say?"

"It says..." I start, as he raises both of his eyebrows in curiousity and anticipation.

"That a mini Potter is on the way!" I announce, smiling happily.

Harry widens his eyes, and gasp loudly. He picks me up, lifting me and spinning me around. "Oh my God!" He exclaims happily. "I'm gonna be a dad! I'm going to be—" He interrupts himself by giving me a kiss.

"Yes you are!" I exclaim back as we pull away. "You have no idea how happy i am right now!" Harry laughs, and walks to the bed to put me down, "Ooh— Here, sit down. Just lay here, get some rest, don't get tired or anything. Just stay here. I don't want my pregnant wife to be tired."

"Wait, what about my job?" I ask my husband with my eyebrows furrowed. And he asks back in response, "Job?"
"Yeah, as a teacher at Hogwarts. I've applied, and got accepted, remember?"

"Oh yeah. I'm gonna have to tell Professor Mcgonagall that you can't work until the next year," Harry says, reaching for his phone. I grab my hand, stopping him, "What are you talking about? Of course i can!"

"It's safer for you to stay home, alright?" Harry tells me, "Just listen to me." I shake my head, disagreeing, "I can work for a few months, Harry. But when i get huge, i'll take the rest of the year off."

He sighs, pulling out his phone back in his pocket, "We'll figure it out later. I'm telling everyone to come over, hold on." Harry dials my parents, Draco, Ron and Hermione, and also Moony. His wife and son said they couldn't come, because Teddy was feeling unwell at home. Harry called Theo, Luna, and Blaise as well. But Blaise was busy at work, while. Theo and Luna were in Hawaii.

We soon hear the door bell ringing from downstairs, realizing that our family's here. Harry gets up, and walks down the stairs, "I'll go get that. Be right back."

I hear loud, heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. My father barges into the room, and i give him a small wave. "Hi, dad." Harry appears behind him. He furrows his eyebrows and asks him, "Harry, why does my daughter look so weak? Is she sick?" Harry responses to his father in law, shaking his head, "No, no, dad, no."

"What's going on?" Mrs. Weasley asks as she soon walks into the room. "Y/n, are you alright?" Hermione questions worriedly, as she walks towards me, and sits down on the bed. I smile at her and reassure, "I'm fine."

"Well.. We have exciting news to share," Harry announces once everyone enters the bedroom, clasping his hands. "And that is?" My mum impatiently asks, raising her eyebrows.

"Y/n is pregnant!"

"PREGNANT?" The whole room (Besides me and Harry), echoes.

"I'M GOING TO BE A GRANDFATHER!" My father shouts excitedly. He runs to me, and speaks to my stomach, "Oh hello there! Can you hear your grand dad?"

"Harry! This is wonderful news!" Mrs. Weasley squeals, "I can't believe it!" While her husband exclaims, chuckling as he hugs Harry, "Look how grown up you are now! I'm so happy for you!"

"My favourite student is carrying a child," Moony smiles, "How the times have changed."

"Oh my— This is very exciting!" My mum squeals in excitement, sitting on the bed beside me while grinnining.

"Hello!! This is Uncle Draco," Draco says, "How are you little one?"

"I don't care what anyone says, you've got to make me the godfather of this child," Ron says to Harry as he passes him while walking towards me. He joins in speaking to the little baby, "Heya there! I'm Ron. Your parents best friend, your very own godfather."

I look uo to find Moony and Harry engaging in a conversation, which i can hear a little glimpse of it. "Harry," Moony says, and he replies, "Yes?" Moony sighs, before telling him, "James and Lily are so proud and happy for you. They're with you. Always." Harry smiles, nodding, "I know."

Moony gives him a hug, patting his back and saying congratulations.

"So for the baby!" My father's voice distracts me again. He continues, "There has to be a proper nursery. There has to be toys! So the little one doesn't get bored. This house has to be baby-proof. There has to be—"

"Dad," I interrupt him, laughing at his excitement, "The child is coming in nine months. We have time." My father exclaims, "9 months can feel like 9 minutes!" Mrs. Weasley chimes in, shaking her head, "I assure you, Mr. Malfoy, it can not. I've experienced it 7 times."

"For now.. You rest," My mother advises, smiling warmly, "We'll take care of the baby's supplies for you. Come, Lucius, Draco," She continues as she drags my father and brother out of the room. Moony says, walking towards the door, "We'll give the couple some time to process the joy."

"I'm so happy for you," Hermione says, hugging me before making her way out. Ron hugs Harry, and smiles, "Congrats, mates." They all exit the room, leaving Harry and i alone.

"A baby, huh?" Harry chuckles, holding my hand and running circles on it with his thumb. I sigh, smiling at him, "It is crazy... I mean we've always wanted it but now when we finally got it.. I don't know, the happiness is overwhelming."

"I know right?" Harry says, "I'm very excited though." I nod, "Me too.." He lifts my hand up, bringing it to his face and kissing it, "I'll be with you every second of these nine long months." He places both of my hands on his face, now cupping his cheeks, "I'll always be here." He continues.

"I love you," I whisper, as Harry replies, "I love you too, new mumsy." I chuckle, and say to him, "The kid's not here yet." Harry taps the tip of my nose while saying, "You become a mum the second the baby's in there. You don't have to wait until the little one comes out."

"What if we have twins?" Harry suddenly asks, and i feel my eyes widening. Shaking my head, i say, "NO!" He squints his eyes, as his lips curl into a small smile, "Uh.. Alright? Why?"

"Having twins for the first two isn't ideal. I don't know how my parents managed," I tell him as i recall every single mischief Draco and i did together in that manor as children. (With the help of Theo sometimes) "Me and Draco were DIFFICULT," I continue.

"DIFFICULT, Harry," I add, imagining the nightmare of having twins as the first children. "Okay," He laughs, "But would you like twins for the next ones?"

"Sure," I smile. It's not gonna be too bad when you already have experience before taking care of 2 at the same time, "It's going to be so cool if they have telepathy too. Like their mumsy and uncle."

"All i know.." Harry whispers, "Is that i'm going to love them." I nod, and give my husband a warm smile, "Me too."

ᴾᵃᵖᵉʳ & ᴵⁿᵏ ➵ H. Potter ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ