The Dementors

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---------> HOTTEST DAY OF SUMMER WAS APPHROOAHCING. It was a hot, sluggish day that will make people depressing and irritable. 

 Hazelotte James Potter relaxed, or rather tired to relax on one of the swings in the park, rocking unhurriedly back and forth. She has barely heard a word from her godfather or her friends after the night of the Last Task and the Rise of the Lord Voldemort. Her nightmares had enhanced and enriched with the worst fears. Improved and changed by the recent events. She was having sleepless nights. Her scar endlessly hurts but she consoles herself saying it's nothing, just a regular irritation.


 Tonks was late today at the meeting held at Grimmauld Place. The notice-Me-Not spell did not let the muggles wander into the Apparition Spot, but unfortunately, it did not affect the wizards. When someone apparates at the same time when you are struggling to make it to the Secret Meeting place, the trouble occurs. 


 "Sorry!" Tonks confessed, attempting to get up but eventually stumbling on him, the considerably feared by the students, Professor Severus Snape. 

Tonks gaped into what she has brought herself into by stumbling herself on Snape. 

 He offered her a filthy look as he brushed the dust off his clothes and began strolling towards the Secret Meeting place. Tonks, dusting her clothes off, walked behind Snape, cautiously maintaining a respectful distance between them. 

"If you're ready," he said, holding up his wand to strike on the door.

They edged into the gloomy interior, shutting the front door. They tiptoed past Mrs. Black's portrait and down the kitchen steps. Tonks sat in between Remus and an unoccupied seat where Snape would presumably sit later on. 

 The group crowded around the ancient-antique table of Black waiting for the meeting to start. Snape glided through the room like a ghost haunting the Ancient House of Black with his long face. 

 "Good evening Severus, Tonk," Dumbledore cheered as if they were here for an informal family get-together. "I hope you had a delightful journey." 

 "Coming in with Snivellus, Tonks? I speculated decent of you, my favorite cousin." Sirius chuckles.

"So, Draco is abroad, Narcissa at home, and Lucius like his son abroad but details unknown," Kingsley says. 

 "Could it have to do something with You Know Who and the prophecy?" Arthur asks. At the mention of the prophecy, Snape turns pale. 

"Possibly. The Dark Lord does not focus on one plan at a time." 

"And Narcissa would tell you if he did?" 

 "I believe so," 

"You can't count on Narcissa, Snivellus.'' Sirius snorts. "And that too with something concerned with Hazelnut."

"When did I say I count on her? We can trust her to do what she feels favors his son's interests." Snape says calmly. 


 "What's with the girl? Severus?" Narcissa asks Severus, making him choke on his tea. 

 "The girl?" He inquired. 

 "Hazel," Narcissa muttered the Potter Girl's name, making him turn pale and his heart pounded at her name Hazel. "Hazelotte James Potter." 

 "What's with her?" He asked. 

 "Draco and Hazel." She described, "I feel like, Draco likes her. I saw him concerned for her when she had to take part in the Tournament. Draco even asked Lucius if there was something he could do for her." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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