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I curled up in the corner of my bedroom trembling with so much fury. So much hate. Blood all over my body. His knife still stuck in me but I felt not the pain. I was physically numb.

I watched the love of my life struggling to get just a few feet to me. I watched as he crawled to get a hold of his 5mm revolver pistol but he just couldn't.

I wanted to hold him like the first time we held each other. I wanted to tell him how much I loved him. I wanted to stop for a second and help him reach me but I was physically numb.

"Z..Zay.." he tried saying my name which made my blood turn cold.

I looked him in the eyes as he fought with all his might to say one last thing to me before he lost his conciseness.

"Zayn...' he spoke coughing up blood since he still had the dagger would in his chest wide open as he tried to hold the blood From flowing dry out of him. " Iam ...lam sorry...I love you."

I knew it took all his might to tell me just the way he felt about me before losing his life and I wanted to say it back. I wanted to tell him how I felt before I lost my life too but the only words that came out of my mouth were "FUCK YOU".

He didn't look shocked or anything but he had a pathetic look in his eyes you might mistake for guilt if you didn't know him like I did but I enjoyed the fact that it was the last face he ever made alive as I watched the life slip out of him. I sighed with relief. Peace. Happiness something I haven't known for the last 3 years of our marriage.

I drifted off in the darkness with a simple smile on my face knowing when I wake up I'd be right next to my husband in hell.

Sirens. Distant sirens are the last thing I hear before my beautiful soul heads to hell.

So I kinda had this crazy idea to write some sick fanfic. You know the type I hate reading 🤪 and I really hope you guys like it ❤️

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