chapter 1

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I was fighting an alien with Heat Blast. Grandpa and Gwen were helping me out. The alien was tough. I was having major struggles. Maybe fighting a water alien with a fire alien wasn't a good idea, but the watch didn't give me what I wanted. I wanted Ripjaws. But I had to live with what I had. The watch wasn't that easy to control.

I got knocked into a building. The alien covered my head in water. My flames went out and my oxygen was low. I tried escaping but I couldn't do anything.

"Ben!!" Grandpa said.

Suddenly a blue flame knocked the alien aside. It let go of me. I watched a female version of Heat Blast land in front of me. She looked at me for a second then ran at the alien. Grandpa and Qwen ran to me.

"Ben, are you okay?" Grandpa asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I said. "Just need a second to catch my breath."

"Who's that?" Gwen asked.

"I don't know," I said. "But she saved me."

"That doesn't mean she's good," Gwen said.

She was knocked into the building. "I gotta help her," I said attacking the alien.

The girl got up and looked at me. "What are you doing?" She said.

"You helped me. I help you." I said.

She smiled and went up next to me. The alien looked at us. "If I can get inside that thing and go supernova, I can evaporate all the water." She said. "Can you get it annoyed?"

"Being annoying is what I do best," I said. I began making annoying noises. The alien made a noise that said it was mad at me. The girl ran into it. Her flames went out. She closed her eyes and began glowing. Steam began coming off of the alien. It slowly vanished. The watch timed out and I went back to normal. The girl looked at me. I noticed she had the Omnitrix symbol on her. It began beeping like mine. She changed into a human. She had an Omnitrix on her arm as well.

"You're like me?" I said. "Cool."

"I didn't know there was someone else with an Omnitrix." She said.

"I didn't either," Grandpa said.

"Who are you?" Gwen asked.

"My name's Melia." She said.

"I'm Ben, this is my loser cousin Gwen," I said.

"I'm Max. I'm their grandpa." Grandpa said.

Police sirens went off. "We gotta go!" Gwen said.

"I need to get my sister first," Melia said running towards a building. I followed. She came out with a girl. The girl looked sick. Grandpa came over and picked her up.

"Let's get back to the RV," Gwen said. We ran to the rustbucket. Grandpa held onto Melia's sister.

We went inside. Grandpa put Melia's sister in the back, then went to the driver's seat. Melia went to her sister.

"Where are we?" Her sister said weakly.

"With some people who can help. Just relax and get some rest." Melia said.

Her sister nodded and slowly drifted to sleep. Melia looked like she was gonna cry. I went over.

"You gonna be okay?" I asked.

"I'll be fine. I just wish I could help her get better." Melia said.

"How long has she been sick?" Gwen asked.

"Her sickness is off an on. But I can't afford to take her to a hospital." Melia said.

"Well we'll help you out," Grandpa said. "Let's get to a hospital."

"Really?" Melia asked surprised.

"Of course. Least I can do for someone that helped my grandson." Grandpa said. Melia smiled and looked at her sister.

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