(2) After The Marriage

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“She wasn't just my first crush, you idiot! She meant everything to me,” He said, wiping his shirt.

“You were in love with her?!” his bluntness astounded Jeremy.

“NO!, I was just… Romantically involved with her. That's all,” He defended his position.
“That's the definition of love.”
“No, it's not. Love is pure and all the shit people say while it was just hormones. I was a teenager, so it hardly counts. “ He was agitated.

“Ok, ok, just forget it. Now tell me, when is she coming to Sacramento? I would love to see that beauty who melted the heart of a beast such as you,” Jeremy was frenzied.

Laith gave him a death stare and answered, “In about a week.”

“A week! Ok. Is she coming alone or what?”
Laith looked away in annoyance and added, “She is moving with her new husband. Tonight is her wedding night.”
He was forcing the words to come out. Although he was trying to be calm, his anger was rising with every passing moment.

“What!” Jeremy's excitement faded.

Laith put the bill on the table and got up. Jeremy rushed to follow him.
“Laith! Slow down, Laith!” He continued walking.

“Why is she getting married? Why didn't you stop her?”

“Shut uppp!” Laith mumbled.
“LAITH!” Jeremy shouted.

“WHAT!” He turned around and yelled. Then he massaged his temples to relax himself. “Look, we liked each other ok. At least I thought we did, but I wasn't that great at feelings, so we were never open about it.
I assumed that at the right time, I would tell her everything and see what happens, but one day she got a proposal from this rich dude who lived in California with his family. My mother told me about it and I could've stopped her, but I never did because I knew she was gonna reject him, anyway.
Days later, she is getting engaged. She never even bothered to ask me.
Now, I don't know if it was family pressure, or she wanted to live in California, or she just never cared for me at all. In any case, she accepted his proposal.
Then I came here to enjoy my life and I was doing so until her fiancé showed up at my door to invite me to their wedding. It wasn't pleasant, so.
I thought I would talk to you and get it out of my system, but that was obviously a terrible idea, so now I'm gonna do what I do best, which is to ignore the problem till it disappears.”

He finished and took a deep breath. He seemed calmer now.
Jeremy was standing there in complete silence.

Laith began walking again. Jeremy followed him in silence.
They both walked for some time till they reached Laith's house.

“Jeremy if you plan to sleep with me, it ain't gonna happen,” Laith said while opening the door.

Jeremy remained tensed “You know if you wish to talk about it, I am here for you.” He was worried.

Laith smiled, “I know, but I'll be fine. Don't worry.”
“Do you want me to stay with you tonight?” Jeremy expressed his concern.

Laith smirked, “Jerry, I am okay with you being gay, but I am not sleeping with you,”
“You fucking bastard! I was just being nice, and you…”
“Good night, Jerry,”
Laith intervened before Jeremy could finish.
Jeremy suddenly stopped talking and then grinned.
“Good Night, Laith”
Laith closed the door from inside.

He couldn't sleep properly and only slept for two hours, but he had experienced insomnia in the past, so he was ok with it.

The next day, he followed his everyday routine. Jeremy was worried, but his worries faded when Laith insulted him on his every move, as he usually does.

Cynical Plans (Discontinued, For Now) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora