Science Interprets Genesis

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The best-supported hypothesis of our universe's beginning centers on an occasion known as the enormous blast. This hypothesis was born of the perception that other universes are moving absent from our possess at awesome speed in all headings, as in case they had all been impelled by an old unstable force.

A Belgian priest named Georges Lemaître, to begin with, recommended the huge blast hypothesis within the 1920s when he theorized that the universe started from a single primordial particle. The thought got major boosts from Edwin Hubble's perceptions that universes are speeding absent from us in all headings, as well as from the 1960s revelation of infinite microwave radiation—interpreted as echoes of the huge bang—by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson.

At some point in the history of time between, 9 and 15 billion years ago, the origins of the universe began. There was absolutely nothing but emptiness when suddenly an infinitely hot and dense spot called the singularity appeared. From that spot, there was an unimaginable gigantic explosion, called the Big Bang, and within less than a fraction of a second, the entire universe was formed. This was the start of everything that exists — matter, energy, time, and every atom that was ever created. The sun and earth itself were estimated to have been formed about 4.5 billion years ago.

This is the accepted scientific explanation for the start of the universe. But science can't tell us everything. The great mystery is how that hot, dense spot (called the singularity), the first thing in the emptiness, the start of the universe, got there? Science tells that some unimaginable power must have put it there because from it came everything that exists in the universe. Some scientists just say "an unimaginable power" put it there, while others give a name to "that unimaginable power": they call it God. The greatest living astrophysical scientist, Stephen Hawking, says, "Anyone who chooses to believe in a Universal Creator is standing on the ground as solid as a scientist who denies Creative Purpose as First Cause. Because of the laws, these same scientists have discovered, there is absolutely no way to tell what made it happen. Whatever you choose is an act of pure faith."
Genesis: (First day)

"God said, 'Let there be light.'"


During the Big Bang, electrons caused very small packets of light making the whole universe glow.

The sun was formed 4.5 billion years ago along with the Earth.So the start of the universe and then the start of the sun and Earth on the first day of Genesis definitely coincide with contemporary science.

Genesis: (Second day) — 4.5 billion to 3.75 billion years ago

"God said, 'Let there be firmament in the midst of the waters and let it separate the waters from the waters.'"


Water-rich asteroids and protoplanets collided with prehistoric earth, bringing water. Later, gaseous emissions from volcanoes added additional water. This occurred approximately 4.4 billion years ago. Over the next several billion years, as the earth cooled, water vapor began to escape and condense in the earth's early atmosphere. Clouds formed and enormous amounts of water fell on the earth. The waters were separated, water on earth and water in the atmosphere. So day two fits with science and is in the correct order.  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2021 ⏰

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