Luna and The Thestrals

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Same time in Ravenclaw Common room
"Hi little Spider, here let me get in pajamas then I'll take you back outside" Lunas soft voice seemed to calm the little Spider. Luna got dressed and picked up the spider she thought was cute and secretly left the Ravenclaw common room and sneaked in the kitchen then by Hagrid's hut and into the Forbidden forest.

Now In Forbidden forest
"Here you go little spider be free don't let the Nargles get you" Luna puts the spider down and laughs cutely. A noise came from the distance,Luna grabs her wand and looks around "𝘓𝘶𝘮𝘰𝘴, who's there" Luna says her spell searching for the noise. After looking around for the noise the weird sound finally came out "oh it's just you beauty's, 𝘕𝘰𝘹" Luna turns around to see the beautiful Thestrals, "here I snuck in the Hogwarts kitchens and got some meat for you guys or any other animals that comes by. Well the ones who eat meat" Luna says emptying a bag of meat and feeding it to the baby and momma thestral "you guys are so beautiful........just like Ginny she's especially beautiful, this may sound weird knowing I like Neville Longbottom well did but I think I like Ginny Weasley as well but my father always told me girls liking girls is bad and boys liking boys is bad but I stopped believing that when I saw Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter" Luna talks to the thestrals like usual "Honestly I do think it's bad to I like her though, my father has always said I'll find a perfect guy for me, and If he ever found out I have feelings for my best friend that's a girl he's going to hate me like everyone else, Ginny might hate me to I don't know who she likes but I know Harry Potter likes her and she'd choose Harry over me" Luna says sadly there came a Huff from the mom thestral "oh my mom wouldn't mind if I liked girls she told me she had a little crush on Harry Potters mother and the Weasley siblings mother Molly, and Lily In school but then she met my father" Luna talked to the thestral like she could understand them, maybe she could?.
After a while of feeding the Thestrals that all came she was out of meat "sorry beautifuls I ran out at least there's not much there's only ¹²³⁴⁵ᴬᴺᴰ6,six of you but now I'm out and tired I should go back to the common room......but I really don't want to go back maybe I can stay out here with you guys or the ones who stay" Luna says sitting down against a tree. After a little almost all of the thestrals left the only ones stayed were the first ones she met the Mother and Baby thestral, "I have no more sorry or do you just want to stay with me you can if you want" Luna says while the two thestrals sit down next to Luna "it was...a...good..idea to make the inside of that bag huge I put just enough meat in it" Luna says with thru a huge yawn "well I'm Very tired so maybe I'll just take a" Luna says and then fast asleep on one of the thestrals, of course the thestrals didn't mind they loved Luna.

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