Chapter 12. The Right Thing

Start from the beginning

"So, you're just going to stand there and not say anything to me?" Randall asked stepping closer to her.

Lynette sighed. "I wasn't trying to be rude, sorry. I just didn't expect you to be on the elevator."

"How you been?" Randall asked staring down at her.

Too close, Lynette thought looking up into his eyes. Damn, he was fine, a tall, masculine, fine ass Black man. They didn't make them any better than him.

"Fine," Lynette told him and stopped. Wait...did she just call him "fine". No...she was telling him she was fine. She sighed in relief. This man had her all fucked up.

"Your roommate told me you haven't been sleeping well."

Lynette stopped and stared at him. "Why would she tell you that?" She was going to hurt Sierra...

"I asked her how you were doing a few days ago, before the barbecue yesterday. She said you were having nightmares..."

"She talks too damn much," Lynette said irritated. "She didn't even tell me she talked to you."

"Lyn, when are you going to stop avoiding me? Haven't this gone on long enough?"

"Avoiding you? What are you talking about?" Lynette asked him.

"Look I know why you ran away from me that night when I tried to kiss you."

"And what the hell do you think you know?" Lynette stared up at him with her hands on her hips.

Randall smiled. She looked beautiful at that moment, even if she was being sassy. Her long braids hung down her back and her skin glowed slightly in the dark, but he could see the dark rings under her eyes. Damn... so it was true, she was having nightmares and he had an idea what they were.

He sighed and suddenly pulled her into his arms. Caught off guard, Lynette was too surprised to fight him. Besides, the man felt good against her. She had missed him like crazy. How many times had she wanted him to hold her again like he did on his couch when she told him what happened to her and like he did at the club, but was too stubborn to go to him?

"What...what are you doing?" Her voice shook.

"Ending it," Randall said and wrapped his arms around her tighter.

"Ending what?"

"Ending my time of giving you space. I realized I'd waited too long when I saw you talking to another dude name Kantrel," he said the name as if it was a bad taste in his mouth.

Lynette wanted to laugh but stopped herself.

"No way, I'm letting you go out with another guy. From now on I'm the only guy in your life."

"What?!" Lynette yelled at him in outrage. "How the hell are you going to tell me..."

The elevator door opened. She shook her head and walked away from him as fast as possible. Randall caught up with her on the steps.

"Lyn," he grabbed her hand to stop her.

"Randall! Stop playing games with me. I mean it...I've had enough of..."

He pulled her up a step until she was standing in front of him and suddenly kissed her. It was a tender sweet kiss that she felt all the way to her toes. No guy had ever kissed her like this and when he pulled away, she just stood there wanting those warm, masculine lips back on hers.

"Damn," Randall whispered. "I always wanted to know what it was like to kiss you."

She slowly opened her eyes to stare into his. "And?" she asked.

Seneca State University - Junior YearWhere stories live. Discover now