Chapter 2

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I have nothing to do so heres part 2

The next schooldays isnt that interesting its like the cycle again but this time everytime you even try to interact with the club member senpai would just break the game or even break the fourthwall leaving the npcs confused.

I guess itll be over soon cause the weekends are coming. You sat down on your couch with senpai just watching netflix. Good thing your house in real life had internet access.

Y/n: So what do you even do in weekends?

Senpai: Well theres multiple choices to do, but ive tried those so many times already i memorised the whole script.

Y/n: Anything is better than just slumped here doing nothing.

Senpai: Fine we could go to the theme park- carnival whatever it was you call it and try out rides there.

Y/n: That sounds nice lets go!

You both rush to the rendering map of the park and oh my gosh it was a whole theme park of rides and games.

Y/n: What the hell were gonna be here all day!

Senpai: Race you to the catterpillar roller coaster!

Y/n: Not fair i dont know where it is!

You both got ready on your seats as the metal bar went down for you to hold on. The ride was lightning speed, for you it was fun but you cant tell the same for senpai.

Senpai: I feel like throwing up.

Y/n: Cmon it was pretty fun, a bit hungry though and those pizza rolls looks absolutely delicious

You both got some rolls and some drinks with it.
After just eating for a while you played games to try and win prizes.

Y/n: Fuckin hell look at that!

Senpai looked at the direction you were looking at, you were pointing at a huge pink bear plush or so he thought it was.

Y/n: I always wanted one of those!

The game was to shoot whales with water guns until it flops down. Your aim was pretty shit and you ran out of tickets for the game.

Y/n:What!? Ive played cod im not this dog water on guns!

Senpai:Its scripted, let me try.

Avcourse he did won, i guess it was scripted after all. You didnt really cared cause you got the prize. A small red fucking cow plush.

Senpai: Wait i thought you wanted the bear?

Y/n: What? And leave this little mooshroom behind!?

Senpai smiled at your excessive happiness over a small cow.

The park looked full with the music and lights around but it was pretty empty cause no one besides you two and some npcs to talk to were there.

You two made the most of the day, trying out rides like bumper cars and the marry go round and just consuming every food you can get your hands on. Yeah, you both looked liked a bunch of 4 yearolds high on rock candy but who cares, a little fun isnt bad.

When you got home you were absolutely exhausted and just flopped on your couch. Who knew you could also get tired ingame.

Y/n: im tired but i dont wanna go to sleep

Senpai: wanna binge watch stuff on Netflix again?

Y/n: k

You two watched a pretty cool series on Netflix while you lay down on his lap. You know you'll just fall asleep soon cause thats how this game works. You feel his fingers running through your hair as your eyes just slowly fades into-

[blooming Love] Fnf Senpai x readerWhere stories live. Discover now