07| i will be brutal.

Start from the beginning

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It's been twenty minutes and we're still in the car going somewhere I have no idea about. The entire drive, it's been silent. I have many questions right now but I don't have the courage to ask them because he's an asshole and it would most likely turn into an argument and I don't have the energy to argue with anyone at all right now.

I want to go home, and I actually can't believe I want to. I hate that place but I'd much rather be there right now than be in a car with him basically kidnapping me.

How about refining it this way:

Gazing out the window, I suddenly notice the massive gates we're driving into. Looking up, my jaw falls open. I've never laid eyes on such an exquisite mansion before—it dwarfs even my own, an absolute marvel of beauty.

 I've never laid eyes on such an exquisite mansion before—it dwarfs even my own, an absolute marvel of beauty

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I know I live in a pretty big house but this one is just something else. It's incredibly vast and stunning. It doesn't feel real at all.

What a rich bastard. What does his parents work as? Do they know that their son is who he is?

I'm pulled away from my thoughts as the car door next to me opens.

I don't look at him, I just get out of the car with a scowl on my face. Am I seriously being kidnapped? Do I really mind though?..

"You do realise this is kidnapping?" I turn to him and watch as he slams the car door shut.

"Yeah well no shit, that's the whole point." He exhales sharply, striding past me toward the mansion's entrance.

"Look, I didn't tell anyone anything and I won't, I promise. Just let me go home." I plead, walking fast to catch up with him. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to stay here in this house but not with him.

"Shut up." He voices as he brings his phone to his ear, calling someone. "I'm here."

As the colossal doors swung open, they reveal a man roughly our age, yet his face is unfamiliar.

"On my life, you need help-" he stops talking as he looks over to us and scoffs, "What took you so long?"

"Who's here?" Another unfamiliar voice calls out from inside.

"Nolan and uh some random girl." He replies with his eyebrow raised looking at me.

"Move idiot." Nolan demands as he walks in.

"Hey beautiful, come in." In an instant, my stomach churns, nearly causing me to retch. With a scowl, I briskly move past him, catching a murmur escaping from his lips."Damn."

The absence of Nolan led me to scan the room, spotting a cluster of guys engrossed in video games, their laughter filling the space. Amidst the unfamiliar faces, one stood out—Chase.

With my focus on Chase, the man who ushered me in manages to sneak up from behind, jolting me with a surprise that elicited a piercing scream. The sudden commotion draws the attention of everyone present, fixing their gazes on my unexpected arrival.

"What the hell is your problem?" I yell, watching him giggle.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't resist." He continues laughing.

"Is she another one of Nolan's sloppy seconds?" Locking eyes with the other figure on the couch, I shoot a pointed glare filled with a mix of annoyance and frustration at his amusement over the situation.

"No you dick, I'm not." I give him a dirty look.

"Oh damn she's feisty." Another one says. Who are these people?

"Shut up all of you. You're Kenzie right?" As Chase approaches, his voice cuts through the tension, questioning me, his steps deliberate as he moves closer.

"Yeah I am." I reply back.

"Well I'm Chase. And the boy next to you is Sam," He tells me as he points to Sam who still has a grin on his face. So confused because nothing is literally funny. He doesn't even know me.

"That's Miles, Kai, Theo and Landon." He introduces the rest of them to me like I care.

"I'm supposed to be held hostage right? So why do I need to know who you guys are?" With a sense of familiarity close by, I recognise the distinct scent even before he utters a word. I draw in a breath, savoring the known fragrance, until his voice finally breaks the silence.

"Stop taking the piss out of her," His deep voice sends shivers up my back. "Sam, you know where to take her so do it." What?...  oh no. My life is turning into a movie. Where an innocent girl gets kidnapped and put into a basement. Those movies are scary, and now my life is becoming like it.

Sam smirks as he walks over to me and holds out his hand, "Your hand looks heavy, let me hold it for you." I try so hard to keep in my laughter and succeed, but I fail to keep a straight face because a small smile creeps itself onto my lips, making the rest of them laugh as well. They are probably laughing because of how stupid that pick-up line sounded. But the only one who doesn't even have a smile on their face is of course Nolan.

"Why are any of you even laughing?" Sam lets out a groan and begins to walk away, prompting me to trail behind him. Just as I start to follow, that familiar touch wraps around my wrist, pulling me back, halting my steps.

"If I find out you've been lying, I won't hesitate to be fucking brutal." Meeting Nolan's expressionless gaze, he leans in closer, his whispered threat hanging in the air. My response is met with a glare; I'm not intimidated because I know my truth. Without a word, I free my wrist from his grip and continue walking, joining Sam without looking back.

ok i know you guys probably want even more long chapters, and i was planning on making this longer but it's currently 10pm right now and i gotta shower since i have school tomorrow and there's no way i'm waking up extra early in the morning to have a shower so i'm gonna have one now and go to sleep, and publish this chapter now cause i don't want to keep you guys waiting another whole ass day so i'm sorry about that.

and i know things are moving kinda fast, like her having to stay under the same roof as Nolan but get ready baes cause i got so much shit coming and i am honestly so excited

anyway i'm sorry for not having this chapter that long but i'll make sure the next chapter is way longer than this one.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 3K READS i'm so happy and ahhhh I LOVE YOU ALL, and the comments i get are so cute and adorable, they make me so happy especially when i wake up to them :)

also i don't do online school anymore since i live in the uk and the god damn schools just re opened last week. yeah i know i'm unlucky asf.

i haven't edited this chapter so sorry for any errors xoxoxo

take care <3

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