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A month of two had passed, Anti had fully settled in and, as much as he hated to admit it, enjoyed the domestic life style

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A month of two had passed, Anti had fully settled in and, as much as he hated to admit it, enjoyed the domestic life style.

"Didja get Lucky Charms?" Anti shot up as Dark walked through the front door, Wilford following, arms full of grocery bags.

"Yes, Anti," Dark sighed fondly, "Come help me put up groceries,"

Anti smiled fondly as he did as was told.

"Wow, never though you'd be ordered around," Wilford hummed. "He really collared ya, huh? Might as well be his little dog,"

"Shut it, Stache," Anti growled, throwing a ceral box at him. "Just 'cuz I ain't having a breakdown or stabbing him doesn't mean I'm 'is dog!"

"You've been drinking," Dark said softly. "I thought we said no more Whiskey,"

"No more Whiskey! Only Vodka," Anti winked, ruffling Darks hair, only to be gently batted away.

"Go sit down, Anti,"

It hurt, to be dissmissed like that. A pain Anti wasn't use to.

He sat, and he thought. Being with Dark really had changed him, but...that was good, he was normal now. His eyes fell shut and as they did he heard the soft voice humming next to him and the fingers drifitng through his hair.

"You're cute when you're asleep," The thick German accent...wasn't real.

It wasn't real. Not real, not real, not real!

Anti opened his eyes, there were fingers carding through his hair, but the hand belonged to Dark, not Henrik.

No, Henrik made it clear he was gone.

"Unloveable, inhumane, insane-" Each word was like a knife.

Theres no point in pretending anything would ever change, Henrik was smart what he said was true. "Dark," Anti slurred, he blinked, looking around.

The window, which was light only a few minutes ago, now showed a dark star-hung sky. Anti must've spaced out again.

Yet Dark had stayed, hand in Anti's hair. "Yes?"

"Am I...insane?" Antis voice was soft, and his eyes had already shut again, but he was still listening.

"Not at all," Dark promised, "Not in the slighest,"

Dark was different, Dark was here...Dark was real.

Dark was real

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For Him ; Dantistache ; Iplier/Septic ; AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora