Chapter 1 - The Rumor

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Have you heard?
The rumor about the seven mysteries inside this school?
Oh, you haven't? I'll tell you one!
"Hanako-San of the Toilet"
In the third stall of the girls' bathroom on the third floor, you can call out Hanako-San.
If you can summon her, she may grant you a wish but will take something dear to you.
Knock on the door three times and call out her name twice.
If you succeed, you can have any wish you want granted.
She is Hanako-San of the toilet.

I heard that rumor from my friends today, I'm not sure if I believe it or not. But something is drawing me to investigate. Most of my peers I attend school with, mistake me for a female so it shouldn't be too difficult.
I wander down the hall to the drama room, a warm golden glow shining through the windows. I look through drawers, locating a school uniform that the girls wear. After putting it on, I glance into the mirror.

"Yeah, I can see why people mistake me for a girl." It also doesn't help that I'm short as hell. I chuckled to myself.

I leave the drama room and headed up the stairs to the third floor. I stood outside the girls' bathroom and took a deep breath. What if the rumor is true, and there is a ghost in this school? Whatever, I doubt it is. After shaking the nerves, I entered.

Making an effort to ignore the fact that I'm a boy dressed as a girl in a girls' restroom, I knock on the third stall door three times and call out, "Hanako-San, Hanako-San.."
The stall door gradually starts opening, startling me.
All in my head I thought. I relaxed my body and pushed the door open fully. And as I expected, nobody.

"I'm here.." I heard a voice say from behind me. I whirled around and saw a boy, about the same height as me, standing there.

"W-why are you in here? You scared me!" I stuttered.

"I'm Hanako-'Kun'! You summoned me for a wish, what is it that you desire?" He grinned at me.
So I'm a boy in the clothes of a girl, in the girl's bathroom, speaking to a ghost. What in the world is going on..

"I take it by your silence that you don't have a wish? Or is me being a boy distracting you~" He asked with a smirk on his face.
I couldn't figure out if he was flirting, or just being plain annoying.

"No, I hadn't thought of one yet," I respond.

"Well mind telling me your name? I can't help but get to know a sweet little girl such as yourself~"

I felt my face and ears turn a bright red hue.
Yeah, he's flirting. Why is it when I look at him, I feel warm..?

"Oh right! I'm Shimizu. Shimizu Aoki. But you can just call me Aoki."
I gazed at him and blushed. I don't know how to tell him that I'm a boy without creeping him out. Then again, we both have similar secrets. With him being a girl in the rumors, and being a boy.

"I noticed You've been lost in thought. If you have anything to tell me, I'm here to listen." This time, he had a genuine smile on his face.

"So you can't touch ghosts so I've heard, is that true?" I asked trying to take my mind off the whole gender aspect.

"Yeah, it is. Unless you're bound to the apparition, then you can make contact physically."
Hanako held out his hand. I reached out, attempting to grab his hand. As I expected, my hand phased right through his cold hand.

"Even though I can't physically touch you, that can't stop us from being f-friends right..?" I nervously asked.
Truth be told, I had no real friends. Hanako-Kun was my only opportunity at making a real friend, even though he's a ghost.

"Aww, you want me as a frieeeend? I'd love to be your friend!" He floated closer to me, putting both his hands on his face to appear cute. I smiled at him and got all flustered again.
I opened my mouth to speak, but the bell rang before I could say anything.

"Aw dang. Hey! Come back tomorrow, I've got something I need to give you." Hanako announced.
"I'll be seeing you." I smiled and waved goodbye to my new friend.

I'm sure you've noticed, I write "x reader" stories different from most others that I've seen. I write them in first rather than second person, and I provide you a name. I apologize if you don't care for it.

Your Wish? - Hanako-Kun x M!reader [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now