“I really wish I didn’t have to bring these.” He rattled the chains. “But everybody felt it’d be safer since you could probably break free from rope.”

“Hmm.” I closed my eyes briefly, and then snapped them open. I groaned.

“Does something hurt?” Damon asked immediately.

“No. I’m just so tired.”

“Then sleep.”

“I won’t.” I looked up at him. “I can’t. If I do, the demon will come through and hurt you. I’ll fall asleep when I know you’re safe.”

“I don’t see how the demon will kill me, Faith. It won’t have a stake to use.”

“I’m sure it’s crafty, so it’ll find something to attack you with,” I grumbled.

Damon tucked hair behind my ear. “We won’t have to deal with this much longer, I promise. Once Bonnie finds a spell, we’re getting that thing out of you for good—and if it’s possible—we’ll kill it. You’re not going to die because of that thing. We’re not going to lose you.”

“It feels like we’re losing that battle quickly.” I coughed again. “It’s making me weak and probably ill. Sure, it makes me suffer, but when it takes over me, it’s as strong as you.” I snorted. “I will never understand dark magic.”

“You don’t have to.” He kissed the top of my head.

“I don’t want to know what’ll happen if—if I die.” I swallowed.

“I don’t, either. But don’t worry about that, okay?” He pulled my head up with his hand gently. “You won’t die.” He pushed his forehead onto mine. “I won’t let that happen.”

I yawned, my brain really wanting to conk out for the night. No, stay awake! Do not fall asleep!

“Faith, just go to sleep,” Damon groaned.

“No,” I said stubbornly, yawning again. “Damn it.”

“You can’t win by staying up all night. You’ll wear yourself out, and then you’ll eventually cave and go to sleep anyway. There’s no point in fighting it.”

“Then chain me up and get out,” I said groggily. “If I’m sleeping, I want you on the other side of that door.”

Damon sighed. “Fine, I will when you tire out.”

He kissed me tenderly, making goose bumps rise all over my skin. I shut my eyes contently. Damon made the circuit from the corner of my eye to under my jaw. This was oddly soothing. Wait, no, he’s trying to make me sleep! But I couldn’t fight against the comfortable feeling.

Curse him and his charm, I thought bitterly. I really hoped Damon did what I asked of him, otherwise he’d end up injured, or dead—or even worse—I’d end up dead, killed by his hand on accident.

*     *     *

My body was throbbing—well, some areas were. Like my arms, and my front, and my legs. My face hurt a little bit, too. Uh-oh. That can’t be good. I weakly popped open my eyes to see a few slivers of daylight shine in front of the cell door. I had barely enough energy to lift my head, let alone move my limbs. I moved my eyes along my arms. New bruises—small and big—littered my arms. I sighed.

I didn’t want to think about what went down last night. My stomach roared. Did I even feel like I had any energy in me to eat anything? All I felt like doing was falling back asleep. But I knew I couldn’t do that—not unless I wanted the vampire-killing demon to take over my body and damage it more.

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