a Choice I Care About

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"Have you tried it yet?"

Those words make Jisoo glances at her companion as she blows the smoke with her mouth. "Try what?"

"You know what I'm talking about," her friend answers as he takes another sip of alcohol from his glass. "That thing I gave you weeks ago."

Jisoo blows another smoke while her ears catch the loud sound of music in the club and her eyes keep their focus at her friend. He looks paler than the last time she met him, thinner too.

"No, not yet."

"Hmm, why not?"

Jisoo doesn't answer right away. She brings the hand that holds the cigarette closer to her mouth to inhale it. She then blows the smoke slowly, savoring the moment. And yet she can't stop her mind to wander to certain somebody but it's not like she prevents herself to think about her, so Jisoo simply lets her mind wanders even more. "I addicted to something else these days."

"Is that so? Well, that's fine but I suggest you try it someday."

Jisoo nods as she brings the stick that heavy with nicotine back to her mouth, inhales it, and blows the smoke again. With her eyes glued to the smoke that slowly vanishes, Jisoo answers with a soft voice, "I know. I'm thinking to, after all."



This girl is beautiful.

The way she bites her lip as she writhes on the bed. The way her teeth move from her bottom lip so her mouth can let out a moan. The way her hand combs Jisoo's hair and tugs it hard. Rosé is a beautiful woman and Jisoo finds out she's unable to take her eyes off of her.

"Don't do that," Rosé suddenly says in between her moans.

"Do what?"

Rosé doesn't answer Jisoo's question right away. The former's hand moves its grip from Jisoo's hair to Jisoo's neck while her other hand goes to Jisoo's shoulder. Her nails sink deep into Jisoo's skin and the latter needs to bite her own lip to stop herself from moaning.

"Don't look at me like that," Rosé finally breathes out.

Jisoo moves her head to Rosé's neck, inhaling her scent, before she retorts with another question, "Don't look at you like what?"

Rosé opens her mouth to say something but it cuts off by a gasp as Jisoo moves her hands lower. Rosé takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself down, before she says, "Like you want to devour me with your gaze."

"You can only handle one kind of devouring at one time?"

Rosé opens her mouth again but only able to let out another gasp because Jisoo chooses this time to graze Rosé's collarbone with her teeth, biting into it gently. Jisoo can see the way Rosé clenches her eyes. Can see the way she bites her own lip to prevent another moan to come. And same like before, Jisoo's still unable to take her eyes away. So Jisoo decides to just let her question goes unanswered and simply savors this moment, because this girl is so beautiful and so addictive.

"It's not fair."

Rosé's voice makes Jisoo turns her head to its owner who's lazily lying on Jisoo's bed with a blanket as the only thing that keeps her modesty. Her lips form a teasing smile while her eyes twinkle playfully at the other girl who sits on the side of the bed.

"I only made you came one time while you made me came twice."

Jisoo doesn't answer right away. She puts her shirt on first before she turns her head back to the other girl. "Unlike you though, I didn't play dirty so I think it's fair."

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