Start from the beginning

"Ladies and gentlemen," Gertrude Hargreaves stood up and Indiana saw that she was wearing thin, nude-colored pantyhose, as well as a red pantsuit. "Under Magical law, my client is presumed innocent until proven guilty. During this trial, you will hear no real evidence against my client. You will come to know the truth: that Miss Jones was simply deciding to take this role as a way to protect her younger brother, Simon Jones, from the fate of what Voldemort had in store. Along with this, Miss Jones took no part in the murder of Albus Dumbledore. Therefore, my client is not guilty."

"Oh, I am so fucked," Indiana mumbled under her breath as Gertrude took a seat. Judge Conifer's face remained as solid as the gavel upon his desk.

"The prosecution may call its first witness," Judge Conifer said. Indiana watched as Nigel Bowman got to his feet again. He had a wonky sort of waddle to his walk, his pudgy palms facing backwards. His watch continued to tick-tock loudly.

"The People call upon Cerberus Nott," Bowman said, and Indiana felt her breath catch. Cerberus Nott was Theodore's father!; he was present for most Death Eater meetings and had been present for the day she was branded with the Dark Mark. Did Theo know about this? Why would Mr. Nott be speaking against her? Was Mr. Nott the reason why the ministry called her to court?

And then, from within the black cage in the central point of the room came a thundering rumble; Indiana watched with bated breath as the body of Cerberus Nott rise from within, his head of dirty-blonde hair long and tousled, blue and gray striped uniform hanging from his thin body.

Oh lord, she thought to herself. Please, Merlin, do not let me ever look as helpless as this.

"Cerberus Nott," Judge Conifer began. "You have been brought from Azkaban at your own request to present your evidence to the counsel. Should your testimony prove consequential, the council may move to reduce your sentence or commute it entirely. Until such time, you remain in the eyes of the Ministry as a convicted Death Eater. Do you accept these terms?"

"I do, sir," Nott said in a croaky, gruff voice. Indiana could remember watching this same man drop Theodore off at her house to play when they were eight-years-old. How times had changed.

"Mr. Nott, what was the setting of Miss Jones' initiation?"

"Malfoy Manor, Your Honor," Nott answered, blue eyes that matched Theodore's so greatly flickering about the room and somehow avoiding Indiana entirely. She swallowed the lump in her throat and took a deep breath. "On — on July 31st, 1996."

Potter's birthday, Indiana thought suddenly. Oh, god, it was on Harry's birthday.

"Explain the course of events, Mr. Nott," Judge Conifer began. "And do be as specific as you are able."

"The Dark Lord —"

"And you shall use his name," Judge Conifer interjected sternly, holding up a pale, bony finger. "You shall say 'Voldemort.'"

"V-Voldemort," Nott hastily corrected himself. "He had requested young Simon Jones to receive the mark, for he was the male heir of the Jones family and Mr. Jack Jones refused to receive the mark himself. H-However, I witnessed Miss Jones step up and declare it fit for herself to receive the mark rather than her younger brother. And I — I can remember the eagerness and determination in her eyes, yes — she had wanted this from a very young age, indeed —"

"Objection, Your Honor —" Gertrude began heatedly.

"Objection denied, do continue, Nott," Judge Conifer said swiftly. Indiana's stomach was churning as though she might be sick.

"When Vol-Voldemort announced that he desired Simon Jones to join his ranks, Miss Jones declared that she was more fit to fulfill the role due to her age and close connection to Draco Malfoy, who had been tasked with the murder of Albus Dumbledore."

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