chapter 1

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I could not believe what I was seeing error was giving up I mean I knew he would eventually but I did not want to believe he was even though it was inevitable considering the abuse fate put error through so much abuse in fact that it was surprising he was still here. But error was like family no he was family to us, me and the gang he helped all of us through hard times and he never gave up on us even when we were difficult so difficult most would put us in an insane hospital and never look back but he just smiled. he was everything to me and he was the one I swore my heart to even if he did not know it, so when we saw him jump we did not hesitate even if the entire multiverse is watching us right now we all jumped in. I was last see all their faces as I showed them the middle finger as I fell into eternal darkness made me wish I did it all over again. all though I was not heartless I left a few instructions on how to keep the multiverse from collapsing if they follow these instructions is up to them I can't control them but because I would already be dead fate could not torcher me for telling them of the balance heh. we all knew he would kill himself eventually so we made sure that there was enough negativity and enough AUs were destroyed before we did anything wanting to be prepared to fallow error anywhere. 

as we were falling into the void I pulled all the skeletons I cared about into a hug to keep them safe from anything that could possibly hurt us I know this was the void but I did not know if there was an end to this constant falling and I wanted to be prepared to keep my family of five safe. as I was about to fall unconscious I kiss error on the forehead as he looked absolutely confused as to why we were here. I hugged them closer and then everything went black.

I heard faint talking in the endless black void it was a voice so soft and kind nothing like fate. it spoke quietly most likely trying to not wake us up but I was a light sleeper.

"I'm so sorry my child fate had done such horrible things to you and your family but don't worry when you and your family fell into the void you changed your destiny so now I can finally intervene don't worry little ones were your going fate can not reach." she said softly.

then a bright light and then nothing.....

Destinys pov... 

I needed a multiverse not under fates jurisdiction but it also had to be under a deity willing to protect them I decided an old friend of mine who owed me a favor would do I would have to put them in a nice multiverse I decided .....

to be continued....

what universe should nightmare, error, killer, dust, horror, and cross go to? please give me a suggestion I'm out of ideas.

one dragon one multiverseDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora