5. Malfoys POV

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I heard someone burst into the Hospital wing. "Archie." The person cried. It was Lily. She must've heard about Archie falling off his broomstick. "Archie please." She whispered again. Did she know? Or was she genuinely dumb? I saw she was with that Granger. How comes she can be friends with a mudblood like her, but not me.

"Don't worry dearie, he's not dead.'' Madam Pomfrey walked over to her. She just stared at Archie, like she couldn't never let go. It was obvious that she wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

I was discharged from the Hospital Wing. As I was walking out, I saw Lily still attached to her brother. She just stared at him. She was going to have a hard time. Everything urged me to go over and comfort her, but I couldn't. She hated me. I hated me.

Everyone couldn't help but stare when they both came in to the Great Hall. By now, the whole school knew about how her brother fell. "Mate, any idea who done it yet?" Blaise asked me. I shook my head. "I don't see who in their right mind would do it though." I simply replied. I couldn't deal with my friend right now. I needed to be left alone. I couldn't help but feel sorry for Lily. I know, she's a gryffindor, but I didn't care. I cared for her. She was different. After everything Archie had told me it just made me want to go near her more. I remember his precise words to me.


"I swear to god, ever humiliate my sister again, that will be the end of you. Do you know how much you've hurt her? Your a little piece of shit." He sneered at me, holding me by my collar.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I just wanted-" I stuttered. His eyes widened. "It was the total opposite way around wasn't it? The lie you told, wasn't a lie, it was just from her point of view that you told it." Archies mouth dropped.

"YOU LIKE LILY! YOU LIKE A GRYFFINDOR! YOU LIKE MY SISTER!" he yelled in the Great Hall. Great! Now everyone knew that I liked Lily Eastell.

*End of flashback*

Everyone but Lily knew now. Nobody said anything. I'm not sure why. Maybe because I was showing that I did have a heart. Especially for her.

I looked over at the Gryffindor table to see her talking with Potter and his little 'friends'. She looked over at me. I didn't look away. She held the stare. She was just... Amazing. I let my feelings get the better of me, and I looked away. She was obviously happy with her results as she got up and walked out. God damn it Malfoy. Keep your feelings in control will you!


Archie hadn't woke up. It had been weeks. Lily was always at the hospital wing. I wanted to speak to her, but it would never work. As soon as a class would finish and she would run off somewhere. Presumably the Hospital Wing. I didn't want to disturb her there. She needed to be left alone. Everyone knew that. She rarely came to meals, and if she did, she ate little and then ran back off again

All of my housemates were bugging me about liking Lily. It's practically all they talked about these days. Do they not have their own business to deal with? I got up and walked out. I was sick of it. Not Lily, but everyone asking me about it. So what? She doesn't feel the same so what the point? I went up to the Astronomy Tower. I walked up when I saw Lily, standing there. I hid behind a statue and listened to what she was saying.

"What did Archie do to deserve that? He's now in a coma because some idiot. Some stupid idiot who hated him. How could anyone do that? Are they a heartless person who was dropped on their head as a child? I mean seriously. Did Umbridge find them before they grew up?" She spoke out loud. I accidentally let a laugh out. SHIT! I made sure I wasn't in view and hoped she wouldn't notice me. She looked around but ignored it after a while. She went to the edge of the tower. Oh god!

"Archie please come back. I can't do this without you. How am I supposed to manage without you? Shit I can't even sleep without worrying about you for an hour." She whispered into the emptiness of the air. She moved one of her feet into the air, off the edge, about to slip. "LILY NO!" I screamed and ran forward. I grabbed her arm and pulled her back. She had her eyes closed with a look of panick on her face.

"No Lily please. No. No. No please Lily." I shouted. Tears streamed down my face. She wasn't dead. She hadn't fell. I pulled her into my lap and stroked her hair. I noticed it was going red. Red came out of my hands. She had hit her head.

I had taken her to Madam Pomfrey. I'd been sitting with her all week. Her brother had woken. He came at times, but I stayed there at all times. Apart from meals. I even skipped some meals. If Archie and Lily needed privacy, I would walk away for a bit. As soon as they were done, I'd go back to her side.

It was the next day that brought so much confusion, love, hate and happiness.


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